age of arbitrariness


Post Photo: Sandy Beach | © Pixabay

At least since with us bearers of academic titles received in Germany page by page Socrates quote, I have come to the conclusion that we now have a problem affecting society as a whole. I have also been aware for a long time that although it is still part of one's “civic duty” to be proud of German education and achievements, hardly anyone makes the attempt themselves, e.g. B. reading a book by Goethe, Schiller or Humboldt. Not to mention trying to understand the general or special theory of relativity and other significant achievements of our time.

At least we can still build on our common values, convictions and legal opinions. The problem here is that ignorance seems to be rampant in this area as well. Certainly, however, the willingness to claim these ideas and agreements for oneself and to implement them has fallen to a low point.

As a result, we can observe how we traditionally continue to gather in parties, associations and clubs without having read or even understood the “small print” when entering such a community. It is no longer uncommon that even board members and presidents no longer know the principles and programs advocated or, worse yet, actually completely reject them. The whole thing is then topped by the fact that these people refuse to draw personal conclusions when this discrepancy is discovered and often even demand that the association in question or the other members have to adapt - a completely wrong understanding in my opinion the demand “march through the authorities”.

Another indication of this arbitrariness is that it is now socially chic to get involved in several communities that are completely contradictory in terms of content. Because in a time when one neither wants to know the basics of communities nor is willing to take these basics as a yardstick for one's own actions, this is no longer a difficulty and is even counted highly as mental flexibility for those who act in this way .

The highlight, however, is that people who indulge in arbitrariness would like to recognize missing values ​​in others or values ​​that are completely contrary to our society and therefore want to refuse them membership in our community.

had "no more funny". Peter Hahne already requested in 2004 in vain.

If we really want to escape the age of arbitrariness, then we as those affected have to take action ourselves and start with ourselves personally. According to the motto "more reality than appearances", we have to become aware of our actual own capabilities, then accept this - probably the greatest difficulty in this endeavor - and ultimately try to make the best of our own possibilities.

As soon as we are ready to take this step, we will see ourselves and our environment with different eyes. And then it's finally "no more fun"! 

"If I think of Germany at night, then I'm deprived of sleep."

Heinrich Heine, night thoughts (1844)

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