I take my time filling it and see how far I can get.
Table of Contents
A - alpha
Adams, Douglas: The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide - Five Complete Novels and One Story, Portland House 1998, ISBN 0-517-22695-2
Adenauer, Konrad: Memories 1945-1953, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GmbH., Stuttgart 4th edition 1980 [1965], ISBN 3 421 01140 0
Adenauer, Konrad: Memories 1953-1955, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GmbH., Stuttgart 3th edition 1980 [1966], ISBN 3 421 01396 9
Adenauer, Konrad: Memories 1955-1959, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GmbH., Stuttgart 2th edition 1978 [1967], ISBN 3 421 01432 9
Adenauer, Konrad: Memories 1959-1963 Fragments, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt GmbH., Stuttgart 2nd edition 1978 [1968], ISBN 3 421 01473 6
Adorno, Theodor W.: Minima Moralia, Suhrkamp paperback 1704, 14th edition 2022 [1951], ISBN 978-3-518-29304-1
Albertini, Mario and Pistone, Sergio: Federalism, Raison d'Etat and Peace, The Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies Ventotene 2001
Alighieri, Dante: The Divine Comedy, German Book Association
Anon: What exactly is ANARCHY? An introductory text in the theory and history of anarchism up to 1945, Verlag Freie Gesellschaft, Frankfurt revised edition 1978, ISBN 3-88215-013-0
Anspritzer, Franz: How our future came to be. From the invention of the state to international politics - a critical guide, Wochenschau Verlag 2nd edition 2001 [2000], ISBN 3-87920-055-6
Appelius, Stefan: Pacifism in West Germany: The German Peace Society 1945-1968, Volume 1 1999, ISBN 978-3925714498
Applebaum, Anne: Autocracy, Inc. – The Dictators who want to run the World, allen lane 2024, ISBN: 978-0-241-62789-1
Arendt, Hannah: Elements and origins of total domination, Piper Verlag Munich, Berlin, Zurich 20th edition February 2017 [1951], ISBN 978-3-492-21032-4
Ateş, Seyran: The multicultural fallacy. How we can live better together in Germany, Ullstein Verlag Berlin 2007, ISBN 9783548372358
Atwood, Margaret: The Handmaid's Tale, Anchor Books 1998, ISBN 978-0-385-49081-8
Augustine, Aurelius: On the City of God (De cititate Dei), DTV Munich Complete Edition 2nd Edition 2011, ISBN 978-3-423-34393-0
Augustine, Aurelius: The Confessions in Thirteen Books, Veritatis Splender 2012, ISBN 9781 4791 6792 0
Aurel, Marc: Ways to yourself, Nikol, 6th edition 2015, ISBN 978-3-86820-029-4
Aurel, Marc: Ways to yourself, Nikol, 2018, ISBN 978-3-86820-482-7
Axelrod, Robert: The Evolution of Cooperation, Oldenbourg, 7th edition 2009 [1984], ISBN 978-3-486-59172-9
Bacevich, Andrew J.: The Limits of Power - The End of American Exceptionalism, Metropolitan Books New York 2008, ISBN 978-0-8050-8815-1
Bakewell, Sarah: The Café of the Existentialists, CH Beck 2018, ISBN 978 3 406 72479 4
Ballauff, Theodor: Pedagogy – from Antiquity to Humanism (Volume I), Karl Alber 1969, Order No. 47170
Ballauff, Theodor u. Schaller, Klaus: Pedagogy – from the 16th century to the 19th century (Volume II), Karl Alber 1970, ISBN 3-495-47178-2
Ballauff, Theodor u. Schaller, Klaus: Pedagogy – 19th/20th Century (Volume III), Karl Alber 1973, ISBN 3-495-47222-3
Baron, Stefan and Yin Baron, Guangyan: The Chinese – Psychogram of a World Power, Econ, 6th edition 2018, ISBN 978-3-430-20241-1
Beck, Ulrich: Risk Society – On the Way to a Different Modernity, Suhrkamp Volume 365, 23rd Edition 2016 [1986], ISBN 978-3-518-11365-3
Beck, Ulrich: World Risk Society - In Search of Lost Security, Suhrkamp paperback 1st edition 2008 [2007], ISBN 978-3-518-46038-2
Beck, Ulrich: German Europe - New Power Landscapes under the Sign of Crisis, Edition Suhrkamp Digital 1st edition 2012, ISBN 978-3-518-06286-9
Beckett, Samuel: Nohow On, Grove Press New York 1996, ISBN 978-0-8021-4446-1
Beckmann, Peter: A History of Pi, Barnes & Noble 1993 [1971], ISBN 978-0-88029-418-8
Benda, Julien: Discours à la Nation Européenne, Editions Gallimard 1993 [1933], ISBN 978-2070327423
Benda, Julien: The Betrayal of the Intellectuals, André Thiele 2013 [1927/1948], ISBN 978-3-940884-71-8
Bertaux, Pierre: Mutation of humanity - future and meaning of life, Scherz Verlag Munich, Bern, Vienna 1963
Birkhan, Helmut: Celts - an attempt to present their culture as a whole, published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna, 3rd edition 1999 [1997], ISBN 3-7001-2609-3
Biskupski, M.B.B.: War and Diplomacy in East and West. A Biography of Józef Retinger, Routledge New York 2019 [2017], ISBN 978-0-367-27536-5
Boccaccio: The Decameron, Fischer 1961
Boccaccio: Decameron, Harenberg 1984, ISBN 3-88379-802-9
Boetticher, Julius G.: The European movement from utopia to reality, Cesam Verlag for Economic Policy and Literature Vienna 1950
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: Resistance and Surrender - Letters and Notes from Prison, Gütersloher Verlagshaus 25th Edition 2022 [1951], ISBN 978-3-579-07119-0
Born, Max: Einstein's Theory of Relativity, Springer, 7th edition 2003, ISBN 3-540-00470-X
Bradbury, Ray: Fahrenheit 451 - The temperature at which book paper catches fire and burns ..., Simon & Schuster Paperbacks New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, New Delhi May 2012 [1951], ISBN 978-1-4516-9031-6
Brentano, Clemens: Poems and stories, Scientific Book Society 1986, ISBN 3-534-03141-5
Broad, Roger and Jarrett, Robert: Community Europe, A Short Guide to the Common Market, Oswald Wolff London 2nd edition 1968 [1967]
Brockman, Joseph (ed.): Studies and sources on Westphalian history, Bonifatius Verlag Paderborn 1966, Volume 8: Karolus Magnus et Leo papa. A Paderborn epic from the year 799
Brodersen, Ingke & Damman, Rüdiger: The new Europe. United in Diversity – History and Future of the European Union, 2007
Brunn, Gerhard: European unification from 1945 to today, Philipp Reclam jun. Verlag Stuttgart 3rd revised and updated edition 2009 [2002], ISBN 978-3-15-018644-2
Bukowski, Charles: The worst is yet to come or Almost a youth, dtv 4th edition 1988, ISBN 3-423-10538-0
Bukowski, Charles: The Pleasures of the Damned, Harper Collins 2008, ISBN 978-0-06-22844-5
Burke, Edmund: Reflections on the French Revolution, Johannes G. Hoof, 7th expanded edition 2017, ISBN 978-3-936345-41-4
C - Charlie
Caesar, C. Julius: The Gallic War, Rowohlt paperback 1979, ISBN 3 499 45175 1
Camus, Albert: The First Man, Rowohlt 1995, ISBN 3 498 00907 9
Carnegie, Dale: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, Pocket Books 1985, ISBN 0-671-73335-4
Cathcart, Thomas & Klein, Daniel: Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar..., Penguin Books 2007, ISBN 978-0-14-311387-4
De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel: The intelligent Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha, dtv, complete edition 2011, ISBN 978-3-423-59010-5
Child, Julia: My Life in France, Anchor Books 2006, ISBN 978-0-307-27769-5
Cipolla, Carlo M.: The basic laws of human stupidity, il Mulino 2011, ISBN 978-88-15-23381-3
Clark, Christopher: Prisoners of Time – Prussians, Germans and Other Humans, Penguin 2022, ISBN 978-0-141-99731-5
Clark, Wesley K.: Waging Modern War, PublicAffairs New York 2001, ISBN 1-58648-043-X
By Clausewitz, Carl: On War, Dümmler, 19th edition 1991 [1980], ISBN 3-427-82019-X
By Clausewitz, Carl: On War, Princeton University Press 1989, ISBN 0-691-01854-5
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel & Verhofstadt, Guy: For Europe! A manifesto, Carl Hanser Verlag Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-446-24187-9
Conze, Vanessa: The Europe of the Germans: Ideas of Europe in Germany between imperial tradition and western orientation (1920-1970), Oldenburg Wissenschaftsverlag Munich 2005, ISBN 3-486-57757-3
Curry, W.B.: The Case for Federal Union, Penguin Books Limited Harmondsworth Middlesex England 1939
D – Delta
Dahrendorf, Ralf: Plea for the European Union, R. Piper & Co. Verlag Munich Zurich 1973, ISBN 3-492-02038-0
De Spinoza, Baruch: Philosophical Library Volume 95b: Political Treatise, Felix Meiner Verlag 2nd improved edition 2010, ISBN 978-3-7873-1960-2
Derviş, Kemal: The expansion of Europe to the southeast: a historical reunification and shaping the future, Robert Bosch Stiftung June 2005, ISBN 3-922934-78-1
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor: The Brothers Karamazov, Anaconda Verlag Cologne 2010, ISBN 978-3-86647-477-2
Duff, Andrew: On Governing Europe – A Federal Experiment, Amazon Fulfillment Poland, 2018, ISBN-13:978-1981876990
E - echo
Echo, Umberto: The Name of the Rose, Süddeutsche Zeitung Bibliothek 2, 2004 [1982], ISBN 3-937793-01-1
Echo, Umberto: On the way to a New Middle Ages, dtv 1st edition 1998, ISBN 3-423-25025-9
Echo, Umberto: The Foucault Pendulum, Carl Hanser 1989, ISBN 3-446-15395-0
Echo, Umberto: Matchbooks, Carl Hanser 1990, ISBN 3-446-15930-4
Echo, Umberto: The Island of the Previous Day, Carl Hanser 1995, ISBN 3-446-18085-0
Echo, Umberto: Baudolino, Carl Hanser 2001, ISBN 3-446-20048-7 (2 copies)
Echo, Umberto: The Prague Cemetery, Harvill Secker London 2011, ISBN 978-1-846-55492-6
Ehrhart, H.-G., Jaberg, S., Rinke, B., Waldmann, J. (ed.): The European Union in the 21st century. Theory and practice of European foreign, security and peace policy. Festschrift for Reinhard Meyers, Springer Verlag, 1st edition April 2007, ISBN 978-3-531-90576-1
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenaeus: War and peace from the perspective of behavioral research, R. Piper Munich, Zurich, 3rd edition July 1986 [1975], ISBN 3-492-10329-4
von Eichendorff, Joseph: Eichendorff's works in one volume, Aufbau-Verlag 6th edition 1982, GDR order number 610 069 9
Eickhorn, Gerhard (Ed.): For a federal Europe: Resolutions of the federal congresses of the European Union Germany 1947-1991, Europa Union Verlag Bonn 1993, ISBN 3-7713-0430-X
Eilenberger, Wolfram: Time of the Magicians – The Great Decade of Philosophy 1919 – 1929, Klett-Cotta Second Edition 2020, ISBN 978-3-608-96451-6
Eilenberger, Wolfram: Fire of Freedom – The Rescue of Philosophy in Dark Times 1933 – 1943, Klett-Cotta Third Edition 2020, ISBN 978-3-608-96460-8
Einstein, Albert: On the special and general theory of relativity, Springer 23rd edition 1988, reprint 2001, ISBN 3-540-42452-0
Einstein, Albert: Letters, Diogenes German First Edition 198, ISBN 3-257-20303-9
Engelke, Gerrit: Rhythm of the New Europe. Collected Poems, Hoffenberg 2021 [1921], ISBN 978-3-7437-3923-9
Entel, Stefan Alexander: 9 May 1950 – The Birth of Europe, Media for Europe Luxembourg 1st edition 2016, ISBN 978-99959-991-0-0 (2 copies)
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus: Mr. Zett's reflections, or crumbs that he dropped, read by his listeners, Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-518-42387-5
F - Foxtrot
Fallada, Hans: Everyone Dies Alone, Aufbau Paperback, 6th Edition 2012, ISBN 978-3-7466-2811-0
Friedlaender, Ernst: How Europe began, Europa Union Verlag Cologne, 1965
Fresh, Max: Homo faber, Suhrkamp, Volume 87, 1962
Fresh, Max: Homo faber, Suhrkamp paperback 354, first edition 1977
Fresh, Max: Homo faber, Suhrkamp paperback 81st edition 2013 [1977], ISBN 978-3-518-36854-1
Fresh Max: My name is Gantenbein, Suhrkamp 1964
Fresh, Max: Andorra, Suhrkamp, Volume 101, 1966
Fresh, Max: Mr. Biedermann and the arsonists, Schöningh 29322, ISBN 3 506 29322 2
Fresh, Max: Montauk, Bertelsmann 1975, Book No. 03503 0
Fresh, Max: Montauk, Suhrkamp, Volume 581, first edition 1978
Fresh, Max: Man appears in the Holocene, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 734, first edition 1981
Fromm, Erich: The Art of Loving, Ullstein Materials, newly translated edition 1980, ISBN 3-548-35258-8
Fukuyama, Francis: The End of History and the Last Man, Avon Books New York 1992, ISBN 0-380-72002-7
Fukuyama, Francis: Identity. Contemporary Identity Politics and the Struggle for Recognition, Profile Books London 2018, ISBN 978 1 78125 9801
Funk, Rainer: Erich Fromm Reader, Bertelsmann 1985, Book No. 03624 4
G - golf
Gaardner, Jostein: Sophie's World, Bertelsmann 1993, Book No. 02434 9
Gaardner, Jostein: Through a mirror, in a dark word, Hanser, October 2000, ISBN 3-423-62033-1
Gaardner, Jostein: Exactly right, Hanser, 1st edition 2019, ISBN 978-3-446-26367-3
Gehler, Michael: Europe. Ideas, institutions, association, Olzog Verlag Munich 2010 [2005], ISBN 3-7892-8195-2
Genscher, Hans Dietrich: Memories, Goldmann Verlag Munich 1997 [1995], ISBN 3-442-12759-9
Gernhardt, Robert: Collected Poems, Fischer, 4th edition 2006, ISBN 978-3-10-025506-8
Gibran, Khalil: The Prophet, Nikol 2019, ISBN 978-3-86820-487-2
Glaser, Hermann: Basic questions of the 21st century, DTV June 2002, ISBN 3-423-30847-8
Glucksmann, Raphaël: La Grande Confrontation - Comment Poutine fait la guerre à nos Démocraties, Allary Éditions 2023, ISBN 9-782370-734532
Golding, William: Lord of the Flies, Faber and Faber 1954, ISBN 0 571 08483 4
Golding, William: Lord of the Flies, Fischer Taschenbuch 1985, ISBN 3-596-21462-9
Greenstein, Fred I. and Polsby, Nelson W. (Ed.): Handbook of Political Science, Volume 5: Governmental Institutions and Processes, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading Massachusetts 1975, ISBN 0-201-02605-8
Greve, Hermann: in Europa-Union Germany e. V., Europa-Union Germany – 70 years of commitment to a federal Europe, 2016
von Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoffel: Simplicius Simplicissimus, Parkland Stuttgart 1976, ISBN 3-88059-052-4
Grosser, Alfred: The Western Alliance: European-American Relations Since 1945, Continuum Publishing Corporation New York 1980, ISBN 0-8264-0004-3
Grossmann, Dave: On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society, hachette 2009 [1995], ISBN 978-0-316-04093-8
Guderian, Heinz: Memories of a Soldier, Motorbuch Stuttgart, 13th edition 1994, ISBN 3-87943-693-2
H - hotel
Hallstein, Walter: The European Community, Econ Verlag, Düsseldorf, Vienna, 1st edition 1973, ISBN 3-430-13898-1
Hammarskjöld, Dag: Markings, Ballantine Books New York 10th edition October 1988 [1964], ISBN 0-345-32741-1
Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind, Vintage Books London 2014 [2011], ISBN 9780099590088
Harari, Yuval Noah: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, Vintage Books London 2017 [2015], ISBN 9781784703936
Heidegger, Martin: Being and Time, Tübingen, 19th edition 2006 [1927], ISBN 3-484-70153-6
Heister, Matthias WM: The student storm on the borders in 1950. For a federal Europe, Iduso GmbH Bonn January 2015, ISBN 978-3-9810837-7-4
Hemingway, Ernest: Death in the Afternoon, Triad Panther 1977 [1932]
Hemingway, Ernest: Having and Not Having, rororo 1976, ISBN 3 499 10605 1
Hemingway, Ernest: Le much homme et la mer, Gallimard 1952, ISBN 2-07-036007-5
Hesse, Hermann: The Glass Bead Game, Suhrkamp Paperback 79, 1981, ISBN 3-518-36579-7
Hesse, Hermann: Narcissus and Goldmund, Suhrkamp, first edition 1975 [1930], ISBN 3-518-36774-9
Hesse, Hermann: Narcissus and Goldmund, Suhrkamp 2007 [1930], ISBN 978-3-518-45854-9
Heuss, Theodore: Speeches to the youth, Rainer Wunderlich Verlag Tübingen 1956
Holiday, Ryan u. Hanselman, Stephen: The Daily Stoic, London 2016, ISBN 978 1 78125 765 4
Hugo, Victor: Les Misérables, German Book Association Stuttgart · Hamburg [1862]
Hull, Cordell: The Memoirs of Cordell Hull, Volume Two, Hodder & Stoughton London August 1948
Huntington, Samuel P.: The Clash of Civilizations, First Touchstone Edition 1997 [1996], ISBN 0-684-811642-2
I - India
Irving, John: The Hotel New Hampshire, Süddeutsche Zeitung Library 10, ISBN 3-937793-09-7
J – Juliett
Jezer, Marty: Abbie Hoffman: American Rebel, Rutgers University Press 1993, ISBN 978-0813520179
Joffe, Joseph: Hyperpower and Peace Power: The Future of European-American Relations, Robert Bosch Stiftung Stuttgart April 2008, ISBN 978-3-939574-07-1
Joyce, James: Finnegans Wake, Alma Classics London 2023, ISBN 978-1-84749-800-7
K - kilos
Kant, Immanuel: Critique of Practical Reason, Anaconda 2011 [1788], ISBN 978-3-86647-594-6
Kant, Immanuel: The Three Critiques, Anaconda 2020 [pure reason 1781/1787, practical reason 1788, judgment 1790), ISBN 978-3-7306-0272-0
Kant, Immanuel: To eternal peace, a linguistically slightly revised version the second, enlarged edition from 1796 [1795]
Kästner, Erich: The small border traffic, Bertelsmann, book no. 5024/4 [1948/1938]
Kästner, Erich: Poems, with an introduction by Hermann Kesten (1968 [1958]) – first published by Kurt Weller, Leipzig 1928
Kaplan, Robert David: The Coming Anarchy: Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War, Vintage Books New York February 2001 [2000], ISBN 0-375-70759-X
Kennedy, John F.: Profiles in Courage, Harper Perennial 2006, ISBN 978-0-06-085493-5
Kessel, Eberhard: Moltke – Conversations, Hanseatic Publishing Company 1940
Kissinger, Henry: World Order, Pantheon Verlag Munich March 2016 [2014], ISBN 978-3-570-55298-8
Kissinger, Henry: Leadership, Six Studies in World Strategy, Penguin Books 2024 [2022], ISBN 978-0-141-99868-8
Kogon, Eugene: The SS state. The German concentration camp system. Bertelsmann Reinhard Mohn Verlag Gütersloh 1974 [1945],
Koppe, Karlheinz: The green E prevails. 20 years of the European Union Germany 1946-1966, Europa Union Verlag Cologne 1967
Koppe, Karlheinz: in Hans-Georg Ehrhart, Sabine Jaberg, Bernhard Rinke, Jörg Waldmann (eds.), The European Union in the 21st Century - Theory and Practice of European Foreign, Security and Peace Policy, 1st edition April 2007: 125: Civil Power Europe ? The lost opportunities of the European Union
Kranz, Walther: Greek Philosophy, Schibli-Doppler, 3rd edition 1955
Kundera, Milan: The unbearable lightness of being, Süddeutsche Zeitung Bibliothek 1 2004 [1984], ISBN 3-937793-00-3
Kundera, Milan: The Slowness, Hanser 1995, ISBN 3-446-18288-8
L - Lima
Lacey, Robert: Ford - The Men and the Machine, Ballentine Books New York 1986, ISBN 0-345-34312-3
Lansburgh, Werner: Dear Doosie, Bertelsmann Book No. 05738 0
Lansburgh, Werner: Reunion with Doosie, Fischer 1987, ISBN 3-596-28033-8
Lao Tse: Tao Te King, Ullstein 1980, ISBN 3-548-20067-2
Lao Tzu: Tao Teh Ching, Shambhala Boston & London 2005; ISBN 1-59030-246-X
Lao Tzu: Tao te king – The book of meaning and life, Anaconda 2006, ISBN 3-938484-96-9
Le Bon, Gustave: Psychology of the Masses, Nikol 2nd edition 2019, ISBN 978-3-86820-234-2
Lenz, Siegfried: German lesson, Süddeutsche Zeitung Library 28 2004, ISBN 3-937793-29-1
Lenz, Siegfried: So tender was Suleyken, Bertelsmann Book No. 00225 3
Leonard, Dick: Guide to the European Union. The definite guide to all aspects of the EU, Profile Books 10th edition 2010 [1988], ISBN 978 1 84668 172 1
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: Nathan the Wise, Reclam 2010ß, ISBN 978-3-15-000003-8
Lipgens, Walter: European federation plans of the resistance movements 1940-1945, Verlag R. Oldenbourg Munich, 1968
Lipgens, Walter: The beginnings of European unification policy 1945-1950, 1st part: 1945-1947, Ernst Klett Verlag Stuttgart 1977, ISBN 3-12-910330-9
Lipgens, Walter: European Integration, Klett Verlag Stuttgart 1st edition 1987, ISBN 3-12-490030-8
Lipton, Bruce H.: The Biology of Belief, Hay House, 10th Anniversary Edition 2015, ISBN 978-1-4019-5247-1
Locke, John: Two Treatises of Government, Cambridge University Press 4th edition 2018, ISBN 978-0-521-35730-2
Lown, Bernard: The Lost Art of Healing - Practicing Compassion in Medicine, Ballentine Books New York 1999, ISBN 978-0-345-42597-3
Lucker, Hans August and Hahn, Karl Josef: Christian Democrats are building Europe, Europa Union Verlag Bonn 1987, ISBN 3-7713-0294-3
Lucker, Hans August: Robert Schuman - Europe's Unification from 1945 to 1996, brochure September 1996
Lucker, Hans August and Seitlinger, Jean: Robert Schuman and the unification of Europe, Editions Saint-Paul Luxembourg 2000, ISBN 3-416-02891-0
Luhmann, Niklas: Social Systems – Outline of a General Theory, Suhrkamp 18th edition 2021 [1987], ISBN 978-3-518-28266-3
Lutwak, Edward N.: Strategy - The Logic of War and Peace, Belknap Press, revised and enlarged edition 2001 [1987], ISBN 0-674-00703-4
Luetz, Manfred: God – A short history of the greatest, Knaur 2009, ISBN 978-3-426-78164-7
Luetz, Manfred: Bluff! – The Falsification of the World, Droemer 2012, ISBN 978-3-426-27597-9
M - Mike
Machiavelli, Niccolò: The Prince and Other Writings, Barnes & Nobles Classics New York 2004, ISBN 1-59308-328-9
Machiavelli, Niccolò: The Prince, Insel Verlag, first edition 2001, ISBN 3-458-34472-1
Machiavelli, Niccoló: Der Fürst, Nikol 2018, ISBN 978-3-86820-481-0 (with printing errors)
Mackay, R.W.G: Federal Europe, Being the case for European Federation together with a Draft Constitution of a United States of Europe, M. Joseph Limited 1940
Man, Golo: Wallenstein, Fischer 1986, ISBN 3-10-047908-4
Man, Thomas: German speech – an appeal to reason, S. Fischer Verlag Berlin 1st to 6th edition 1930
Martin, Mike: How to Fight a War, Hurst 2023, ISBN 978-1-78738-930-4
Karl Marx: Capital Volume 1-3, Marxist Papers Frankfurt 1976
De Maupassant, Guy: Une vie, Gallimard 1974, ISBN 2-07-041084-6
Mayne, Richard and Pinder, John: Federal Union: The Pioneers. A History of Federal Union, St. Martin's Press Inc. New York 1990, ISBN 978-0-312-04493-0
McClellan, George B.: The Oligarchy of Venice: an Essay, Houghton, Mifflin, and Company Boston 1904
Menasse, Robert: The European Land Messenger. The anger of the citizens and the peace of Europe or why the democracy that was given as a gift has to give way to a democracy that was fought for. Paul Zsolnay Verlag Vienna 2012, ISBN 978-3-552-05616-9
Mercier, Pascal: Night Train to Lisbon, btb, 42nd edition 2006, ISBN 978-3-442-73436-8
Merton, Thomas: Passion for Peace. Reflections on War and Nonviolence, Crossroad Publishing Company New York 2006 [1995], ISBN 978-0-8245-2415-9
Mingst, Karen A. and Karns, Margaret P.: The United Nations in the 21th Century, Westview Press Boulder Colorado 3rd edition 2007 [1995], ISBN 978-0-8133-4346-4
Moliere: Le Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur | The Tartuffe or The Deceiver, Philipp Reclam Jun. Stuttgart 1986, ISBN 3-15-008353-3
Monnet, Jean: Memories of a European - foreword by Helmut Schmidt, German paperback publisher Munich August 1980 [1978], ISBN 3-423-01565-9
More, Thomas: Utopia, Barnes & Nobles 2005 [1516 / 1551], ISBN 978-1-59308-244-4
Münkler, Herfried: Violence and Order. The Image of War in Political Thought, Fischer 1992, ISBN 3-596-10424-6
Münkler, Herfried: World in Turmoil – The Order of Power in the 21st Century, Rowohlt 2023, ISBN 978-3-7371-0160-8
N - November
Niess, Frank: The European Idea - from the spirit of resistance, Suhrkamp Verlag 1st edition 2001, ISBN 3-518-12160-X
Nietzsche, Friedrich: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nikol 2019, ISBN 978-3-86820-486-5
Nolte, Joseph: We good Europeans. Historical-political experiments about ourselves, Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen 1991, ISBN 3-8233-4111-1
O - Oscar
Obama, Barack: Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and inheritance, Three Rivers Press New York 2004 [1995], ISBN 1-4000-8277-3
Obama, Barack: The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, Three Rivers Press New York 2006, ISBN 978-0-307-23770-5
Onyango-Obbo, Charles: Uganda's Poorly Kept Secrets, Fountain Publishers Kampala, reprint 2006 [1997], ISBN 978-9970-02-37-6
Orwell, George: Animal Farm, Penguin Books 1982 [1951]
Orwell, George: Animal Farm, Diogenes 1982, ISBN 3 257 20118 4
Orwell, George: Days in Burma, Diogenes paperback 20308, German first edition 1982 [1935], ISBN 3 257 20308 x
Orwell, George: The Complete Novels of George Orwell, Penguin Books London 2009 [1976], ISBN 978-0-141-19039-6
P - papa
Patel, Kiran Klaus: Project Europe – A Critical History, CH Beck 2017, ISBN 978-3-406-72768-9
Penn, William: An Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe by the Establishment of a European Dyet, Parliament, or Estates, 1693
Peter, Klaus: Political Romanticism in Germany, Philipp Reclam Jun. Stuttgart 1985, ISBN 3-15-00-8093-2
Pflimlin, Pierre: Mémoires d’un European de la IV à la V République, Librairie Arthème Fayard 1991
Pistone, Sergio: The Union of European Federalists. From the foundation to the decision on direct election of the European Parliament, 1946–1974 (PDF document is available to the author)
Plenzdorf, Ulrich: The new sufferings of young W., Suhrkamp paperback 300, 1979
Pliny Caecilius Secundus, Gaius: Eulogy for the Emperor Trajan, Scientific Bookstore Darmstadt 1985, ISBN 3-534-09200-1
Poe, Edgar Allan: Complete Stories 1 – 4, Insel Paperback 2002, ISBN 3-458-06652-7
Poehlmann, Markus: War History and History Politics: The First World War, Schönigh 2002, ISBN 3-506-74481-X
Popper, Karl R.: The Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume I, The Magic of Plato, 8th edition, Hubert Kiesewetter (ed.), Mohr Siebeck 2003 [1957], ISBN 978-3-16-148068-6
Popper, Karl R.: The two basic problems of epistemology, Mohr Siebeck, third edition 2010 [1979], ISBN 978-3-16-148505-3
Prantl, Heribert: In spite of all! You just have to love Europe, Edition Suhrkamp Verlag Berlin 2nd edition 2017 [2016], ISBN 978-3-518-07289-9
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S - Sierra
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V - Victor
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W – Whiskey
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