Music video of the week


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This song by David Bowie Every one of my readers probably knows it. Major Tom is the astronaut about whom David Bowie sings in his song “Space Oddity” (1969). Bowie was inspired to write this song a year earlier Stanley Kubricks film "2001: Odyssee im Weltraum" had seen.

Major Tom also appears in Bowie's "Ashes to Ashes" (1980), which is considered the sequel to "Space Oddity".

And his “Hello Spaceboy” (1995) was even supplemented with corresponding text passages in a later version by the Pet Shop Boys.

So that everyone can understand it, the Pet Shop Boys expanded the text of “Hello Spaceboy” a little in 1996 and also Major Tom directly mentioned.

In a separate blog post about Repetitions and allusions I have already dealt with the topic of repetition, which I not only see as a rhetorical stylistic device, but also see it as having a very large influence on learning success, especially for some contemporaries.

The repetition is so powerful that totalitarians in particular like one Donald Trump or the German Nazis - up and down the country - love to use repetition and are very good at getting their followers in particular to believe even the biggest lies, as long as they are repeated long enough.

This is the dark side of repetitions and allusions, which are otherwise an effective aid to any learning success - I personally like to use this stylistic device in my lectures, especially when the audience is already a bit jaded.

Already read in 1982 Peter Schilling seinen Major Tom (completely detached) and thereby enriched the “Neue Deutsche Welle” - a term that only the slightly older ones probably know what to do with.

For me, the song from 1969 is still the better one of all those mentioned here and its video is also the one from today.

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