


According to Zeit.de, we are now at an incidence of over 491 in the Heilbronn district. Today alone, 162 new cases were reported. Those responsible continue to duck, and many unvaccinated people continue to assume that they themselves are so healthy that getting vaccinated could only ruin their good health — the only healthy thing about this attitude is their selfishness.

Unfortunately, it is also not understood by many that, firstly, the specter of a pandemic is only over when well over 80 percent of the total population - worldwide, if you want to continue to travel and trade - are largely immune. And secondly, not understood - but these people don't really care that until then a lot of people who are not so healthy or just less fortunate will have to "fall by the wayside" - and this is a deeply fascist basic attitude.

Therefore, good communication paired with a little more emphasis from our responsible politicians and heads of administration would not only have been very effective from the start, but also absolutely necessary.

Unfortunately, this proves once again that fair-weather or expense politicians are only halfway bearable when the weather is very good and the economy is booming. And so it is to be hoped that there will not be any further and perhaps even more serious challenges, because then our society will not continue to slowly but surely dissolve, but will completely disintegrate in a few days.

We already know from our own grandparents the excuses that we will then dish up to our grandchildren when everything is in ruins again and much more lastingly.


It is part of my routine to regularly go through my address book and keep it up to date. So it happens again and again that I get in touch with people quite unexpectedly.

From time to time, this leads to longer conversations, which at least sweeten my day. More and more frequently, however, it is the exchange of e-mails so that everyone is up to date again.

Just today I had two very nice conversations, both of which also put completely new fluff in my head; Now I'm curious to see how the whole thing develops now?

reading sponsorships

What better way to start a day than reading to an elementary school class? If, like me, you are lucky enough to be able to organize your time freely, then this reading is definitely a good start to the day. And just like being a grandparent, knowing that you can give the small and yet so nice children into other hands is a reassuring feeling.

However, today I felt a little sorry for the class teacher. And that is the advantage of reading mentors, they get a different perspective of the school — in addition to that as a student or as a parent — and not only learn to understand teachers better, but also to appreciate them more and more. Especially when these teachers do not teach in private schools or in the country, and thus pursue their profession very "hardcore".

When I was a student, being a teacher was still more of a job for those addicted to relaxation. Times are changing so it's certainly very hard earned money these days and I can't help but wonder how teachers today and decades into the future are even going to survive?

No, it's not the kids! It is the parents of today who probably mostly only have children in order to be able to tap even more transfer payments from the state. And so it's just political failure or even a political idea and intention, namely to destroy our social system through anti-education.

The victims are first and foremost the children, then the teachers and finally everyone else who later has to live with the "products" of our broken education system - that is, all of us.

But now I'm already looking forward to next Friday, because then I'll be able to do the "man reads’ Read it to two school classes at the same time.

birthdays of the day

Martin Luther and Friedrich Schiller

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