Review 2023


Feature photo: Heilbronn in the evening

This time I'm trying something new by adding a few photos to my annual review; These were spontaneously taken from my cell phone's memory on a whim and added here. So it may well be that I add a few more photos later.

The most important thing right at the beginning of my review. The entire family is healthy and happy. Although we are all getting older, we are still able to cope with it quite well. The oldest members are currently relaxing in Abano. The furthest family member is in California and we can assume that's not a bad place either. And the young people are in Heilbronn for the holidays.

I wasn't able to implement my plan to walk at least three kilometers every day this year. Nor do I regularly swim at least 1 meters a week. But I went to dance class regularly and a newly purchased rowing machine is waiting for me to not just marvel at it. In addition, my plan to finish reading a book every week failed.

My better half is now much more athletic than me and continues to lead “her” two associations. Added to this is her commitment as foundation board member at meseno. Maximilian is now about to complete his master's degree in Munich, continues to find time to save people's lives as an emergency paramedic, recently shot his first buck as a young hunter and also completed his first NATO course almost in passing. Konstantin will soon receive his second master's degree and is currently getting a taste of the Commission's atmosphere during an internship in Brussels. Boredom is still a foreign word in our family.

Meanwhile, two clubs, in each of which I am allowed to serve as chairman, are keeping me busy. Fortunately, I was also able to get involved in three other clubs and have come to the conclusion that my need for club work is covered - I look with admiration at those who manage to be a member of more than five clubs at the same time .

Even though I wanted to slow down a bit this year, I couldn't help it and accompanied a few students in the business information technology department at Heilbronn University, read to children every week at the Damm elementary school and also tried to help out a little at meseno.

If I now look back over the year, I have attended well over 24 get-togethers, almost twelve bowling evenings and a whole lot of committee meetings. A few trips to Strasbourg with school classes, award ceremonies as part of the European competition and further trips or visits together with club members as well as a whole lot of good conversations rounded the whole thing off.

Joint activities with friends and family also ensured that I can look back on this year as a good year for me. My personal highlight was there the beach walks with my better half in May of the year and towards the end of September 7. Hertenstein Talks, which was more than pleasing for everyone involved.

My thanks go to everyone I got to know this year or even spend my time with on a regular basis. Whether in real conversation or just in written exchange, I draw a positive conclusion from all of these interactions. And in the few cases where things actually went wrong, I was at least able to learn something new.

But as I said, all the bones are still there, I can feel most of them and so I have no reason to complain - and since I'm not a lawyer, this is definitely a good thing!

I wish everyone and especially my family, my friends, my comrades and acquaintances, my colleagues, my students, my tutors, listeners and also my readers a happy holiday and the best for the coming year and if only it could be arranged, a little world peace... at least a very small one.

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