After the PiS era in Poland


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Reinhard Veser | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Why Tusk doesn't get far with normal means — After the PiS era in Poland (last accessed on December 29.12.2023, 11.35, XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.)

Restoring the rule of law in Poland is complicated. In order to overcome the methods of the PiS era, the government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk find yourself in legal gray areas.

Remember, once a democracy is gone, it stays gone! And so Poland will be lost, as will Hungary and most of the other former Russian occupied territories.

And so Europe will probably have to wait for the end of the world war that has already begun in order to be able to develop into a democracy if necessary.

We Europeans simply don't come up with such an idea on our own - the European emigrants who helped build the USA already knew that.


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