The prelude to the Ukrainian war


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Alim Aliyev | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

The prelude to the Ukrainian war – History of the Crimean Tatars (last accessed on April 25.4.2024, 9.12, XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.)

“Russia's war against Ukraine began with the annexation of Crimea in 2014. She stands in a murderous historical tradition that my people seek to eradicate. …

For 241 years, Russia has repeatedly tried to colonize the Crimean peninsula and expel its indigenous people, the Tatars, using various means and methods.”

Worth reading article by Alim Aliyev, a Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian who, at least for me, brought a completely new term into play: Racism, the Russian form of fascism.

Since rashism must necessarily be equated with racism and genocide, it could also be the forerunner of National Socialism. Quite strikingly: we Germans brought communism to the Russians and they immediately retaliated - which could also explain why the “Russian Germans” are such ardent AfD supporters.


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