Music video of the week


Featured photo: Concert | © Image by Pexels on Pixabay

The 1980s were yesterday, today the 1970s are popular again - at least for me. Even if I might irritate some music lovers a little.

I particularly remember KC & The Sunshine Band with their song “That's the Way (I like it)”. In the 1970s you probably couldn't go to a discotheque without getting on the dance floor at least once.

The song was recorded between 1974 and 1975 and is on the band's second album, which incidentally simply bears the band name. The song immediately stormed the charts at the time - probably because it is easy to understand - and returned there after about a month, namely when the hype surrounding “Fly, Robin, Fly” by Silver Convention had died down again.

The name of the band is also explained very simply: “KC” stands for Casey, the singer’s last name Harry Wayne Casey, and the rest comes from his home state of Florida, the Sunshine State.

I think it would do us a lot of good if we all brought a little more from the 1970s into our everyday lives.

Then the hustle from There's McCoy and the Soul City Symphon, also from 1975. The song is named after the dance of the same name.

Ok, ok, since we're in the 1970s, let's just leave it at five and then add the Silver Convention.

Michael Kunze founded this girl group in Munich in 1974. In addition to “Save Me” they also had “Get Up and Boogie” in their repertoire. In 1979 it was over again - just at the beginning of the well-known intellectual and moral turning point. Detlef Stern would probably say: “Only correlation, no causation.”

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