Citizen's Income


Post photo: Banknotes | © Pixabay

The coalition agreement of the new government took place already mentioned here in the weblog in relation to Europe. As managing director of the welfare social enterprise Aufbaugilde Heilbronn, I am also interested in those points that deal with “citizen’s income”, for example.

Therefore, in this blog entry, I give a brief classification of the statements in the coalition agreement of the new government of the section "Hartz IV / Citizens' Allowance" (page 75). Citizens' income is already mentioned in the preamble to the contract: "We are replacing basic security with a new citizens' allowance so that the dignity of the individual is respected and social participation is better promoted."

Here are my four points:

What is good?

The basic idea of ​​a citizens' allowance is to be welcomed, but little is known about the content. For this purpose, the necessary legal changes must be awaited and evaluated.

Making the costs of accommodation more legally secure is overdue, as is the actual assumption of the costs of accommodation (especially if there is adequate living space).

The publicly funded labor market is to be open-ended, thus enabling the long-term unemployed to participate on a permanent basis.

It is also to be welcomed that support should primarily be provided through training and further education, instead of placement in possibly low-wage areas at any price.

What is critical?

Hartz IV was developed as a temporary solution. Long-term unemployment should be overcome quickly. There is a lack of impetus and suggestions for an integrative labor market policy on how long-term unemployment can be reduced in the long term. It is not yet clear how the envisaged realignment of "advice at eye level" will be implemented.

What is missing?

According to the coalition agreement, the priority seems to be a change of term, there are no recognizable efforts to increase the standard rate, as the Federal Constitutional Court had warned. Not even inflation compensation can be found in the coalition agreement. This does not improve the livelihood in any way.

Relief for first-time Hartz IV recipients

The grace periods are certainly a relief for people who are applying for basic security for the first time. After 24 months, assets and home ownership are no longer protected according to the coalition agreement. Better solutions are needed here to get out of the power supply.

The pandemic has clearly shown that a simplified application process is helpful for everyone.

Contact to the construction guild Heilbronn gGmbH

Construction guild Heilbronn gGmbH

Hans-Rießer-Strasse 7
74076 Heilbronn

Phone: +49 7131 770 0

Information on the Heilbronn Construction Guild gGmbH

The Construction guild Heilbronn gGmbH is a diaconal social enterprise and has been active for many years in the areas of homeless assistance, unemployment assistance, addiction help and debt counseling, as well as in the areas of education, training, qualification and placement-oriented temporary work.

I've known the construction guild since my youth, when friends found their place in the "first job market" through the construction guild. Hannes Finkbeiner I got to know each other better when I returned to Heilbronn, because we became neighbors and were able to spend an entertaining hour or two together.

So I am now more than happy that he is now also writing posts on this weblog.

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