Pourquoi l'Ukraine pourrait-elle gagner la guerre ?
The war is extended until 2024, and then until 2025, even if the belligerents are not affected by the adverse effects of the fire.
At home in Europe and at home in Heilbronn.
Here you will find contributions from guest bloggers (2020 to 2023).
The war is extended until 2024, and then until 2025, even if the belligerents are not affected by the adverse effects of the fire.
'Poland is not lost yet' - and neither is Europe.
Unfortunately, the most likely path to a European federal state leads through a deep external security crisis.
Rather than proposing a treaty change we would have done better to embark on the path leading towards a constituent assembly for an expandable core of states.
Ursula von der Leyen spoke not as the guardian of the contracts, but as a candidate. Her speech addressed her own party family.
In every group of road users there are enough people who do not participate appropriately.
It is high time for the Federal Committee to straight things out, otherwise the UEF will end up like the Titanic.
L'UE n'est pas un État, c'est une association d'États. Elle ne peut donc pas avoir d'armée. La defense européenne est un leurre.
I dare to predict that Donald Trump, not Ron DeSantis, will be in the running for the Republican nomination.
Je vais tenter ce soir de vous apporter quelques éléments de reflexions en vue des élections européennes de 2024.
Le centenaire de la République turque pourrait coïncider avec un retour aux valeurs qui furent cells de Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
In fact, writing is one of the special cultural techniques used to encourage one's own thinking.