Hamas killings


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Joseph Joffe | The New Zurich Times

Hamas murders and violates children and women indiscriminately - and the left-wing milieu applauds. What is going wrong here? (last accessed on November 26.11.2023th, 18.51, XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.)

“The Gaza war has unleashed an orgy of anti-Semitism that betrays the best traditions of social democracy: enlightenment, liberality and universal values. …

The democratic world has endured the worst tests of the 20th century - Bolshevism, fascism, two world wars. In contrast, Wokism and Islamism are like Corona to the plague. The antidote is critical thinking, the legacy of the Enlightenment. However, things are not going well in the university and the cultural sector. A vaccine against mental fog has yet to be invented.”

Joseph Joffe write from my heart. I hope that this post can be read without a paywall for as long as possible.

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