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summer zones

Now it is official (Heilbronner Stadtzeitung, October 4.10.2023th, 1: XNUMX), the summer zones on Turmstrasse and Lothorstrasse were a complete success. For years now, in accordance with valid resolutions of the local council, Turmstrasse has been intended to become a pedestrian zone and Lothorstrasse has at least been traffic-calmed.

Unfortunately, our city leaders are trying to prevent this with all possible means. And this continues to be supported by the Fleiner Strasse lobby, which still believes that Fleiner Strasse must be the measure of all things in Heilbronn.

It would be a benefit for all of us if Turmstrasse were finally made into a pedestrian zone, and preferably a very green one. And as already written, one of our oldest specialist shops in Heilbronn would have more than deserved this for its centenary!

Unfortunately, our city administration is still not interested in this.

Welfare state

We can only afford our welfare state if the majority of us are in employment or work that generates at least enough “added value” to be able to finance our state, its infrastructure and the transfer payments to our less successful fellow citizens.

That's why we had the idea right from the start that we are a state of educated citizens and high achievers, in which the mass of wages and earnings ensure a good living and sufficient tax income to be able to finance the entire social system.

That is why services and jobs that do not generate any “added value” or are not at least socially relevant have begun to be relocated abroad. The fact is that at least the low-wage jobs - and I fear even more so - do not benefit our welfare state, but rather put a strain on it. Proof of this is, among other things, the so-called performance pension, which must be paid to those who were never able or willing to create added value for our society.

Our social system, which was already severely damaged and broken, is now being burdened by the fact that more people are immigrating into our society, who themselves can never be an asset to our welfare state, even if they work here every day and self-sacrificingly. The reason is the same as mentioned above, they mostly work in jobs that do not in themselves represent any added value for our social system.

The solution is the same for locals and new residents alike!

Either we reduce the welfare state to what is feasible and affordable for the people living and working here or we finally start laying the foundations for our welfare state.

  • Work must be paid in such a way that not only can an ordinary person live from it, but also generate enough taxes to be able to support others.
  • Jobs that can be automated or completed by robots or computers are no longer allowed to be occupied by humans.
  • People who cannot do qualified work here must be trained and trained until they have productive work or reach an age where they can no longer do any work. Keyword: lifelong learning - but without a single exception!
  • People who want to join us must be able to survive in our job market in the long term. Exception: Asylum seekers, who also have to leave again if the reason for fleeing no longer applies and they do not suit our job market.


The redistribution of our so-called welfare state continues happily and hardly anyone can understand where all the money is supposed to come from and where - more precisely, into which pockets - it ultimately goes.

Redistribution is fundamentally correct and necessary for the preservation of a society, but it must be regulated and directed from successful to less successful and must neither get out of hand nor reverse from successful to even more successful!

What we know today is that total debt is increasing and that the richest of the rich are becoming more powerful and wealthy. We also know that most transfer payments to less successful fellow citizens and other residents are wasted because they cannot or do not want to handle money responsibly.

Ultimately, the entire bill is paid by the so-called middle class, which becomes increasingly poorer and also slips into servitude involuntarily and through no fault of its own.

In the end, as in other societies before and today, we again have a few oligarchs, monarchs or dictators who openly rule undemocratically over the rest of the world - always until there is nothing left to rule.

And once the middle class starts to rebel, the more influential among them get a few cash gifts for cars, houses or heating and the world is once again in order for everyone.

The whole thing has now completely gotten out of hand and those who have worked and saved their entire lives now have to be really careful that they don't get ripped off in the near future, and this before they have even had the chance to do so at least once to be lazy in their lives and enjoy the success of their own work.

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  • On the subject of redistribution and the welfare state: If citizens become uncomfortable, they are quickly viewed as right-wing extremists.

    • Your statement is wrong!

      Good citizens are and must be uncomfortable — that's called democracy.

      People who reject our democracy and adhere to fascist and National Socialist ideas are right-wing extremists.

      People who are always comfortable and crown themselves as the “silent majority” are usually the stirrups of anti-democrats and enemies of the state of all kinds.