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Frank-Walter Steinmeier: "You can demand a lot from politicians" — even today: Green and black will be retained in Baden-Württemberg, with even more ministers and even more MPs, as well as the common goal of further expanding the state parliament next time.


Actually, I would have been with you from the start HTML should remain, this realization comes a good 20 years too late, but it is coming.

So I immediately reduced our consulting side to the absolute minimum and as HTML-Document published.

Addendum (August 2022): In the meantime I have moved Kümmerle Consulting to this weblog, which means even less work for me.

Old Sites

A long time ago I had my ancient pages, such as B. worldcitizenship.com, in HTML-Pages converted instead of simply letting them disappear into internet nirvana.

Addendum: in December 2021 I deleted the page completely.

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