

Post photo: Ukrainian flag on wall with soldiers | © Pixabay


In order to find a little distraction - social media has now reached the level of trash TV, if not even exceeded it - I took a look at the television series "grantchester“I looked in and was immediately struck by it. Grantchester is based on a collection of short stories by the English author James Runcie.

The season has been running since 2014 and has now reached its eighth episode. Now I'm excited to see how far I'll get. I like it so far James norton quite good, although I Al Weaver as his “assistant” is a little better.


I experienced the public transport strike in Heilbronn city center and was more than positively surprised by the silence that resulted from the cancellation of buses and trains. There were no fewer people out and about in the city. As a passionate pedestrian, I found more advantages than disadvantages and wanted to write my own article about less public transport. The conversations with public transport users, including one with Detlef Stern, but then let me refrain from doing so.

In any case, it showed once again that we have a huge problem with the sprawl of our country and the spatial separation of living and working spaces. It would obviously be better if cities were designed and developed in such a way that most people could easily get to work on foot - if only because of the life time saved! And so there is still no point in putting workplaces or even residential buildings in the middle of nowhere and then connecting them to the rest of the world with an otherwise completely unnecessary infrastructure.

Increasing automation and the ability to do many jobs from home should be used much better for the benefit of humans and nature. Just think of the many country and district roads that could then be eliminated.

And so the strike was perhaps helpful for one or two people from Heilbronn, namely if they were now able to discover that you can walk three kilometers without much effort, that it is also healthy and, if the environment is right, that it is also a fine and entertaining affair .

Russian raid

On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation's war against the free world reached a new peak. Now the Russian troops officially invaded Ukraine, which means nothing other than that since then they have been murdering, torturing, raping and looting to their heart's content and without any inhibitions - to a degree that we only know from the two world wars.

Although the Russian Federation had previously bought a lot of Western politicians and business leaders, including heads of government and heads of state, and assumed that it could swallow up the rest of Ukraine without significant resistance, the populations of Western countries have now become a little alarmed and thus forced their governments (democracy!) to take at least a little stand against the Russian murder. Many citizens are now slowly but surely coming to the realization that the Russian activities will not come to an end after the destruction of Ukraine and its population, but that we Europeans will all become victims one by one.

The war has now reached the westernmost part of Europe and Russians are murdering at will, threatening war refugees or destroying our democracies from within, thereby preparing the ground for further military attacks by their Russian compatriots. The people of the Baltic states have long known what will soon happen to them and even our Polish neighbors are beginning to prepare for a shooting war.

The Russian behavior is neither surprising nor completely incomprehensible, because they are clearly following the textbook. The only surprising thing is that the Russians, even in the 21st century, still act in a completely inhumane manner and do not even stop at their own compatriots - they are not only tortured and murdered just as unrestrainedly as Russia's supposed enemies, but also become their own soldiers burned like in the best times of the tsars!

And so we have to assume, for better or worse, that the Russian murder will only end when the Russian Federation has lost well over a million of its own soldiers and the first richer Muscovites and St. Petersburgers are forced into military service. Wanting to dry up the Russian Federation financially is completely utopian and didn't even work for the smaller Nazi Germany!

And unfortunately it will Ronald Reagan Once again we are right, namely that we can only prevent Russia from launching a shooting war with NATO if we first arm the Russian Federation to death. And I know that too Vladimir Putin exactly. That's why he doesn't have just one Donald Trump bought, but also entire smaller governments in the West. The Russian Federation has now achieved a five-year lead in armaments and has ensured that the West can hardly win an arms race (arms projects continue to be sabotaged across party lines) - which will inevitably and absolutely logically lead to a hot war.

Today, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the Russian attack on the free world, a few Union citizens are mourning the now well over 100 fallen and murdered Ukrainians, but the majority of us are mourning only the costs that this war has already caused us so far. A lot of us don't even fear that it will be our turn soon, but rather just that there might be problems with our next vacation trip - my friendly neighbor next door reports that as soon as Putin takes over Germany means we no longer need to worry about foreigners.

By the way, they actually do exist, the decent Russians - but they are dying in Russian concentration camps or prisons if they don't just fall out of the windows.

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