Post Photo: Military Vehicle | © Pixabay
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If I've just been together with Desiree and Herbert Burkhardt When I'm making posters, I can work on my own blog again - but I prefer to do that alone. The advantage of this is that there is no question about who I can blame if the result doesn't quite meet my expectations.
I also found that during the follow-up to the last trip to Strasbourg - trips also need to be followed up! - not only a pleasant post on Linkedin, but also a good documentary about the corruption scandal in the European Parliament that was discussed during the trip. As already written, my fellow passengers caught me off guard, the topic really wasn't on my radar.
And so I'm even more pleased to be able to draw the attention of my readers, including a few Strasbourg drivers, to ARTE via a ninety-one-minute documentary. This documentation entitled: “Purchased politics? Europe in the corruption crisis“ is about the corruption scandal from 2022 and is available in the media library until June 17, 2024.
A very enjoyable birthday party yesterday and the dancing immediately afterwards. Afterwards I'll continue making posters and if this is finished before 21 p.m. today, I can start preparing for my next lecture; The number of registered students has now increased to 104.
Old wine press
It is pleasing that they do not want to build another sports field in order to create a primary school that has long been necessary, but instead are looking at the Alte Kelter site. I would like it even better if the Alte Kelter itself was included in the planning.
But as soon as there is anything good to report, the Greens in the city council follow suit and are now calling for an indoor swimming pool on the said sports field. This would be better and, as I suggested, placed at the dam schools, where there are still containers. With a little skill and good will, you could also accommodate another sports hall and a sports field there. The latter was taken away from the dam schools because of the BUGA.
Homeland Security
A little honesty would do our politics a lot of good. The conscription debate is not being conducted because of the Bundeswehr or even the defense of our country. Renewed conscription will also not generate sufficiently qualified soldiers; The only thing that could do this is adequate pay, equipment, supplies and supplies for the troops.
Our politicians have been giving for this - since George Leber is no longer a minister - but no longer spends a cent. The defense budget has to serve the economy, social welfare and perhaps a few particularly important fellow citizens.
And so this debate only has two goals, namely to generate more tax money, which politicians can then use as they see fit and perhaps also a few so-called homeland protectors who mow the lawns for politicians and other VIPs at home and do shopping for their wives or take over the framework organization for their festivals and celebrations - ok, ok, also seating halls, cleaning stadiums and sweeping market places for the general public. In short, do all those things that have been subsumed under defense and homeland security in Germany for decades.