education policy


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Lucia Schmidt | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

How we are ruining the education system — Children Without Borders (last accessed on December 11.12.2023, 8.05, XNUMX:XNUMX a.m.)

“The German education system is massively failing students. The situation has become particularly dire at primary schools. Parents are also responsible for this. …

However, having opportunities in life does not (only) depend on money and inheritance, but to a large extent on a good education, and that is no longer available in Germany. So if you dare to spend so much money in times of empty coffers, then you're doing the right thing. Why isn't there (finally) education money for every child - preferably 60.000 euros? This money should then not go to the parents, but to the respective school upon enrollment. The money, and this should be guaranteed, should be demonstrably invested in the abilities and deficits of the individual child as well as in a fruitful school community.”

That sounds much better than the current push for socialism by the Jusos with a basic legacy, who are now using the educational deficits brought about by their own party, among other things, to completely undermine our social market economy - strengthening laziness and stupidity in order to make democracy impossible!


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