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16 years

Slowly but surely, many of us are realizing that 16 years Angela Merkel weren't the icing on the cake — far too much was simply left lying around, many opportunities were missed, and it was easy to see that 16 years is far too long to just rest on the laurels of the predecessor.

Many fellow citizens also have to be reminded again and again that standing still always means going backwards.

And because it was so nice and comfortable for all of us at the federal level with sitting out, resting and denying reality, we immediately do the same thing again in Heilbronn, only to realize eight years later that resting on the laurels of others, sitting out and ignoring all problems and challenges does not count for anyone.

A big city can't actually afford such convenience, just as little as stewing in its own juice.

Here's what immediately comes to mind: You know you live in a small town when you're getting married for the third time and you still have the same in-laws. Or if you look at the administration and almost everyone there has the same family name.

What I want to say is that it is good for everyone if you not only get new ideas from abroad, but also new players - preferably proven and proven specialists.

But I don't mean regularly, once every 100 years.


I've given up, in Heilbronn you will never get this problem under control on your own. So it only remains to be seen that the world around us will turn for the better in such a way that the pandemic will ultimately come to an end here too.

As we will soon see and hear, politics is just as successful here in Heilbronn.

flood of money

This federal German style of politics has been practiced for so long that almost all of us have gotten used to it. If we have a problem, a pot of money is distributed for the first time. And if that's not enough, the pots of money are carted in until no one can remember the problem.

The downside is that you don't solve any problems, you just create more. But none of this matters at all to us, since a great many people always benefit from these distributions — which are usually and happily distributed according to the watering can principle.

Politicians don't care either, because they don't have to decide or regulate anything, and the individual politicians don't put themselves in a worse position.

However, since more and more citizens are noticing that such a policy is really ruining everything and has been driving our country to the wall for decades, there has now been a reaction and politicians have established two nice lies: the "black zero" and the "Debt Brake". But nothing has changed, our tax money continues to be poured out by the bucketful, and one can sometimes wonder where some of our money shows up again.

Now that even politicians — people who know a lot about spending — are bragging about the fact that it's high time for change, things are moving. From now on, future loans will be thrown out of the windows with big hands.

Now, after 16 wasted years, one could actually work out an honest assessment of the situation — even at the risk of never being re-elected as a politician — and look for viable and affordable solutions.

To do this, however, one would have to be convinced that doing politics is not to be equated with spending money, but primarily with the task of taking the citizens with you and, at least sometimes, conveying very unpleasant things to them.

Which will probably lead to us now talking about tax increases and inflation ... in order to ultimately be able to throw even more money out the window.

A vicious circle that we really should urgently end.

birthday of the day

Marco Carrieri

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