

Post photo: City Hall Heilbronn | © Shutterstock

property obliges

The nice thing about flowers and plants is that you can never have enough of them, and if you are not careful, over time quite a few will accumulate in pots, tubs, troughs or in the garden. Which, especially with such beautiful weather as today, means that you don't have to think too much about what you could actually do. Plants and animals are without question the best way to demonstrate that property is an obligation - you don't even have to bother with our Basic Law for that.

seven-day incidence

Today you can once again read so beautifully that Heilbronn is the leader in the seven-day incidence is in Baden-Württemberg. And everyone starts wondering again. But what is even worse is that, as in the 1930s, scapegoats are being sought - this time, quite impartially, it is all foreigners or those from Heilbronn who look like it.

But if you regularly stroll through the city like I do, you will find that you can't tell mask muffles by their appearance or origin, nor by their supposed level of education. However, there is much to suggest that it is due to the lack of understanding - perhaps also due to ignorance or a lack of solidarity - on the part of our fellow citizens, who do not want to admit that distance from one another and this combined with medical mouth and nose protection prevents further spread of COVID-19 such as also counteracts an influenza virus quite obviously.

If you are looking for someone responsible, then this is the mayor of Heilbronn, who failed to set up the city administration in such a way that it works or is even prepared for crisis situations. When the COVID-19 wave swept towards us from March 2020, not only was the health department completely overwhelmed and still has to be rescued by the Bundeswehr (!) to this day, but the entire city administration was absolutely unprepared to even be able to deal with crisis situations at all.

Even today, the crisis communication of the city of Heilbronn is insufficient, and there is no sign that our "city leader" has tried at least once to win back the initiative. If anything, our city administration only reacts to orders and instructions from above, instead of taking action ourselves.

It's worse how I like it Unfortunately has had to report in blog posts for a long time that, in addition to the lack of information for the citizens and visitors to Heilbronn, there were insufficient controls from the outset by the city administration and the police, and this grossly negligent sloppiness has now led to that the wheel could only be turned back with far oversized means.

Even the willing citizens are now fed up and tired of having to accept new restrictions again and again! — Especially since the whole thing could have been managed better together through responsible city politics.

By the way, our municipal councils have only managed to open the Heilbronn baths, apart from a "rescue fund" (?!), which, if things continue like this, will have to be closed again immediately.

But one thing should be clear to all of us by now, that fair-weather politicians — even if they may wear skirts — are of little help!

It would have been good if a mayor had taken the initiative and, together with the city council, had brought the necessary measures to the people of Heilbronn - instead of propagating exactly the opposite at celebrity festivals and trying to fool the population.

It would have been even better, after a successful involvement of the entire citizenry - by example and joint action - to ensure that the first "deviants" were put in their place and the spread of COVID-19 within our city limits was counteracted.

So we wouldn't have to look at an incidence of 58,5 today, but would be quite easy in the current national average of 17,3!

"Like everyone else, we are inclined to go along with our peers and authority figures; but, we are less willing to conform to others when this conflicts with our own beliefs, observations, and preferences. We see ourselves as unique beings, not as nodes in a social network that stretches out through space and back in time.”

joseph henrich, The WEIRDest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous (2020: 21)

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