Sublimation & Displacement


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There must also be a plausible explanation for things like racism, National Socialism, AfD and Pegida. My attempt at an explanation today borrows from psychoanalysis, which deals with sublimation and repression processes, among other things, because idiocy alone is far from being sufficient as an explanation.

Already in the Thousand Year Reich it was rumored that the National Socialists had a difficult relationship with their own sexuality, and when even leading National Socialists did not succeed, e.g. B. to suppress their homosexuality, they were also unrestrainedly persecuted and murdered.

And here, in my opinion, psychoanalysis works quite well, because if one cannot or does not want to live out one's sexual inclinations, whether completely normal or very abnormal, repression processes or sublimation, which are very harmful for everyone involved, occur, which manifest themselves in III . Reich has manifested into a sort of master race fantasy that arguably served as a substitute for even the worst imaginable sexual dysfunction.

We can all be very happy that this nightmare was over after 12 years, but we must also take into account that at least our fellow citizens, who lived in the Soviet occupation zone for another 40 years, had no opportunity to escape this vicious circle for generations To escape oppression and repression. And the state-prescribed healing attempts with the approval of a little naturist culture failed just as they had in the 1930s.

And when these generations were released into "normal" society in 1990, the misguided belief was that a little Beate uhse, Thailand and Kenya holidays will do everything again and completely by themselves.

But as we now have to recognize a good 30 years later, more than 50 years of sublimation and suppression can no longer be reversed so easily. One even has to fear that these people have completely lost their own sexuality, and that completely new violent fantasies have taken their place, which obviously can only be lived out in a "pack".

Possible approaches to healing could be the appeal: "Petting instead of Pegida", the distribution of free Viagra tablets and a new edition of all the classics of sex literature.

Prince from the album Love Symbol (1992)

"I bet that if you threw that ass into the air it would turn into sunshine."

Prince, Sexy MF (1992)

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