

Post photo: Sülmerstraße | © Shutterstock

My downtown north

The interesting thing about yesterday's municipal event was that there are more than 2 garage parking spaces in the northern inner city, in excess of actual needs. That's it too Need for a neighborhood garage off the table, and I now wonder why this was so vehemently demanded by a city council faction?

This actually allows the northern inner city to be completely traffic-calmed, parking for non-residents outside of the multi-storey car parks completely prohibited and only very few parking spaces in public space for residents for temporary activities such as loading and unloading.

A gentleman's suggestion that guests leave the car parks free of charge for the first hour and a half during this event should at least be checked once. In any case, one could offer the residents of the northern inner city inexpensive long-term parking spaces in the multi-storey car parks.

Otherwise, this event was quite sobering, because one should be able to expect more from a municipal administration of a big city, but at least that our municipal employees are reasonably fluent in German.

Boris Johnson

And someone says again that wars are not worthwhile! Before February 24, 2022, the whole world counted the days that this liar Boris Johnson can still be held in power in the UK. But meanwhile he is not only considered second by his party Winston Churchill traded.

This shows us once again quite well how "rulers", regardless of which political camp or even opinion, use wars to derive personal benefits from them. This explains quite well why wars actually start and also why wars do not stop so quickly.

birthday of the day

Otto Hahn

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  • Boris Johnson,
    it un jefe de gobierno comparable to todos los demas jefes de gobierno o presidnetes del mundo occidental. Las elecciones en el sistema de democracia representativa que tenemos en Europa ya no funciona, porque a pesar de las promesas en sus respectivas campañas electorales, no las cumplen.
    Al dia siguiente de su eleccion nombra a sus ministros que seran los responsables de escuchar a los grupos de presion (lobby) para que recojan las “opiniones” de las grandes empresas, bancos, multinacionales, etc con el fin de poner sus deseos sobre la mesa del Consejo de ministros que tomara decisions en base a las recommendations de los “grupos de presion” para que la economia tenga indices de crecimiento año tras año para favorecer a los ricos. Mientras tanto los pobres solo pueden patalear y no son escuchados en sus demandas. En resumen, los ricos seran cada dia mas ricos y los pobres seran cada dia mas pobres. Desgraciadamente es la cultura politica que se ha installed en Europa desde la creacion de las Comunidades Europeas que comenzo en 1957 con el Mercado Comun ya pesar de haber cambiado el nombre a lo largo de los anos la UE sigue defendiendo los intereses del capital pero las clases sociales no se tienen en cuenta . Si ademas viene una guerra los ricos siguen manejando la maquinaria de armas y no van a la guerra, sino que tienen que ir los ciudadanosnormes que cada dia son mas pobres y desgraciados.
    It necesario cambiar el sistema politico porque lo que no funciona bien hay que quitarlo. Por tanto la introduccion del sistema politico de Democracia Directa seria la solucion para frenar y cortar los desmanes de los politicos actuales con el fin de encaminar una transformacion de la sociedad donde la justicia social sea la prioridad principal de la politica.

    • Dear Javier, Thank you for your comment. I also see the idea of ​​more grassroots democracy in the EU getting better and better. However, I believe that we will only be successful democratically if we succeed in putting a stop to professional politics. Only when there are no more "classes" in our democracies can all citizens actually live democracy.