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Reading material

Thanks Javier Giner I was able to add another book to my reading pile today. He highly recommended this book to me. The title of the book is "The Biology of Belief—Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Mind' and its author is Bruce H. Lipton. I immediately treated myself to the improved XNUMXth anniversary edition of the book.

"Since I have read and reread the book, I can give you some tips to make the most of reading. In the prologue you will read that the purpose of the book is to ensure that after reading you are in “a position to have your life under control to lead a healthier and happier life.”

Then, the first part deals a lot with scientific and technical words that only doctors, researchers, professors, etc. understand, so I just skimmed through it to get to the part of the book where Professor Lipton explains his discoveries and their application practice. It is in that part where you will learn many things that are unknown to most people."

JAvier Giner

A first reading gives hope for an interesting read. Now I'm looking forward to when I'll have read it.

At the moment, the old Clausewitz is back in vogue, which many experts are quoting again and again, and mostly misusing it. As my first commander said in 1983, "Clausewitz is very much quoted, and mostly by those who don't even have a copy of his book."

I have owned several copies over the years, including in English, as I was too lazy to translate it myself each time. And to those who not only want to quote Clausewitz, but also want to read him at least once, I recommend the nineteenth edition (anniversary edition) with a renewed historical-critical appraisal of Werner Halweg from 1980. Because with other editions there is a risk that you Carl von Clausewitz not only misunderstood, but quoted him even more incorrectly.

town twinning

The purpose of town twinning and how it is cultivated has long been forgotten and out of fashion in Heilbronn; here should dr Manfred Weinman may have been the last engine on the part of the city.

And so I was very surprised in 2019 that the top management suddenly entered into a new town twinning - after all, it was only in 2016 that a very old town twinning with Port Talbot was sacrificed for the sake of mean money and convenience, and numerous attempts by Heilbronn residents to create new town twinnings with tried and tested ones to enter into democratic urban societies, was vehemently rejected from the very beginning. "Heilbronn already has enough town twinnings," the top management was repeatedly quoted as saying.

What I hadn't considered was that in Heilbronn, too, the flawless democrat Vladimir Putin found more and more followers, and thus that Schroeder syndrome not only infected parts of the Heilbonn municipal council, but also the city administration.

By 2008 at the latest, it was clear to every European that Putin is not only attacking other countries and severely decimating their populations, but is also persecuting all democrats in the Russian Federation itself and sending them to prisons or concentration camps. Then he didn't even shy away from having Russians who had fled murdered in Europe and also in Germany. With the attack on Ukraine already taking place in 2014, it was clear to even the most ignorant citizen that Putin had established a dictatorship in the Russian Federation and that it was now beginning to spread to other countries as well.

It is astonishing that Putin became more and more popular in Heilbronn with his increasing and apparently arbitrary murders, including almost 300 Union citizens. And when the whole world was speculating about whether there were or could be democratic people's representatives in administrative positions in the Russian Federation, our Mayor came around the corner and concluded a town twinning with a Russian town whose population had been fighting the war of aggression in the Russian Federation since 2014 Ukraine notices directly and probably also has to support.

If there is still some decency left in the Heilbronn municipal council, it would be advisable to suspend this town twinning until it can be assumed that we will not welcome any war criminals in Heilbronn.


We are all well aware that we are a country of experts. But the fact that even the very last pacifist trumps every professional soldier in terms of military expertise and expertise is new to me, too.

But what is far more interesting is how these experts, after analyzing the Bundeswehr — which they believe is their own fault — now also analyze the Russian armed forces and detail all of their alleged mistakes.

It is, after all, the most normal thing in the world when, at the beginning of every operation and especially at the beginning of a war, a great many things go wrong, and especially those things that you really didn't expect. And that's what's really exciting about the whole thing.

So our experts shouldn't get too excited too soon, because armies learn very quickly, especially when their mistakes are fatal. And unfortunately it will also affect our armed forces if they have to be deployed after all.

It's just a pity that we won't be able to fall back on the competence of our experts, who will no doubt be so busy commenting and giving expert advice that they will once again not have time to fight for our country themselves.

birthdays of the day

George Frideric Handel and Gerhard Mercator

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