

Post photo: Blitz | © Image by PIRO on Pixabay

Our federal government has once again listened to all those who have not only driven our country to the wall in their entire lives, but have also deprived our young people of a reasonably tolerable future.

Our mediocracy — the rule of mediocrity (!) — has achieved the very successes that intellectuals painted on the wall decades ago.

Now, come hell or high water, fences and walls are being built around the EU and then again around Germany in order to guarantee the Kaputt-Mach generation a good life until their last breath at the expense of the environment and the vast majority of people.

And when Fortress Europe is up, our still halfway sprightly performance pensioners with their mobile homes will be taken over by the Bundeswehr — what else do you have them for? — flown over the walls to the developing countries by airship to see the really last unknown places before you die yourself and these wonderful places are finally gone.

And until then, everyone will dance the tango korrupti and sing the deluge in the choir after us!

It couldn't have been nicer Federico Fellini can stage.

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