Political dystopia


Feature photo: Newspaper clipping | © Pixabay

The year is 2030, actually the year in which all the promises of the grand coalition of the time, which was still very popular in the 2010s to 2020s and was also affectionately known as GroKo, should have been fulfilled.

In the mid-2020s, however, everything turned out very differently, the pent-up and newly added challenges could not be solved, if at all, neither by the governments nor by the completely overwhelmed parliaments. The disappointment among the population was growing at the time, so that the politicians responsible sought to flee forward and found happiness in the political past.

The whole thing was "triggered" when the polls in an event that was again advertised as a super election year all ended unfavorably for the parties: two main blocks were spontaneously formed in Germany: on the one hand the Nationalist Unity Party Germany (NED: AfD, CDU and CSU) and on the other others again the Socialist Unity Party Germany (SED: Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Die Linke and SPD) as well as a rather loose coalition of small parties, whereby the FDP is probably still the most well-known today. In a very polarized election campaign in 2025, the NED was only able to assert itself very narrowly and as a result new pegs were hammered in.

For the good of Germany, the European Union was not completely buried, but transformed into a new version of the old Holy Roman Empire of German Nations and has since eke out the existence of its predecessor, which is so popular today; this is entirely in the spirit of the French President Marine Le Pen, who at the same time also holds all the EU presidencies. As their deputy in all EU offices Ursula von der Leyen confirmed for life, whereby this function was provided with a right of inheritance.

In order to restore national peace, the two blocs (NED and SED) have agreed to alternately take over government duties after each election, with the respective predecessors continuing to hold their offices until their own death with the addition "currently not in a government function". . In the course of this, the protection of grandfathering was guaranteed for all members of parliament and everyone was granted corresponding equalization mandates. In addition, the micro and blog parties were assured that they would participate in the respective government as soon as they exceeded the 10% hurdle.

To an already foreseeable exceeding of the Bundestag size To counteract this, a voluntary and generous severance package has been introduced, with those who take advantage of the offer retaining all their titles and board memberships. Of course, this regulation also applies to all state parliaments and differs - due to German federalism - only in the amount of the respective severance payments, whereby the payments may never fall below the six-digit number.

In order to end inequality within our society, all offices and managerial positions have been duplicated and since then have had to be filled by one man and one woman.

In order to integrate the population better into the new and now much better democracy, compulsory voting was introduced and free elections were converted into regulated elections for the benefit of all.

In order to further promote national identity and also the feeling of togetherness across parties and federal states, e.g. For example, the federal autobahns were renamed people's autobahns with the suffix of deserving politicians. Because of his great contribution to the German autobahn, the Berlin – Munich route was renamed the Volksautobahn Adolf Hitler and the route Berlin – Saarbrücken in Volksautobahn Erich Honecker renamed as well as the route Munich - Stuttgart in people's autobahn Andreas Scheuer.

This brilliant idea was also mostly readily adopted at the local level, including in Heilbronn, with the Allee at the suggestion of the Porsche drivers in the NED faction in Volksstraße Albert Leo Schlageter was renamed and another tradition quickly established itself in Heilbronn, namely that every year on May 1st, Porsche and Mercedes drivers cross the Volksstrasse for a good two to three hours Albert Leo Schlageter board and to the beat of the well-known AfD folk song "Your poverty pisses me off!" sound their horns.

Unfortunately, as is the case with dystopias, no socially or existentially relevant problems were solved, but they were successfully suppressed further, and in the event that one or the other problem boils up again, everyone now knows exactly who is to blame: the well-known minorities, society-destroying capitalism or the responsible citizens who once stood up for free social concepts.

Mind you, it's the year 2030 and everything is fine!

Incidentally, Victor Orban is now also an honorary citizen of Europe.

"Now, the dividing line is not between left and right but globalists and patriots."

Marine Le Pen, We are not the world (January 6, 2017)
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