Stop the nagging


Post photo: one of the German submarines | © Achim Scholty on Pixabay 

The Minister of Defence, Ursula von der Leyen, has had enough of the constant unqualified and insubstantial nagging from the ranks of the Bundeswehr. That is why she is now having all German U-boats retrofitted with wheels to give the Navy the opportunity to practice tactical naval warfare maneuvers at the Bergen military training area. Characterized by great care, she also ensures that the comrades in the navy are now more often in the fresh air and that the constant pushing of submarines would also be good against increasing obesity of the troops.

In a concerted action with the Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer, and thereby taking up and further developing an idea of ​​the European Commission, sliding lanes for submarines are now also being set up on all federal motorways. This should allow, among other things, that for the first time on the birthday of Jens Spahn a fleet parade can take place under the Linden trees in Berlin.

Horst Seehofer immediately demanded two of the six submarines to secure the border between Bavaria and Austria. Since they have already been baptized, they should receive their First Communion and the nicknames "Horst der Moslemschreck" and "Alexander the Longer" on the occasion of the re-election of the Bavarian Prime Minister at the Viktualienmarkt in Munich.

The spokesman for the federal government Steffen seibert, is full of praise for Ursula von der Leyen, which for the first time managed to make the German submarine fleet not only unsinkable, but also completely future-proof.

The Austrian government immediately recognized the innovative potential of these new submarines and ordered seven of its own submarines from German industry. However, these should be fitted with tread tires so that they can also be used on the highest Alpine passes.

"God will not damn a poor lunatic's soul. He knows that the powers of evil are too great for those with weak minds."

Dwight Frye as Renfield in Dracula (1931)

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