Citizen's Income


Post photo: Cockaigne | © Shutterstock

Germany's great envy debate! Cheered on by, among others Sarah Wagenknecht, Boris Palmer, the AfD, the Union, the FDP and other populists from all parties, the most heated debates take place here. The Ukrainians living here are currently the center of all the excitement!

It hardly occurs to anyone that we are also at war in Germany - whether we want it or not - and that is why the Ukrainians are viewed as Germany's new Jews, and not just by the German-Russians. The goal of the Russian Federation is quite obvious: it wants to inflict as much damage as possible on its enemy and thus destabilize Germany wherever possible. Germany's totalitarians and the Russians who have never arrived in Germany are very happy to be harnessed to the Russian cart. Worse still, the many D-Mark Democrats in the eastern federal states are getting spring fever again and are firing on all cylinders. In the meantime, even migrants from all sorts of countries around the world are showing solidarity and are jealous of the latest newcomers for everything that they themselves most naturally expect from the German state.

Even our farmers are starting to riot, and even those fellow citizens who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths are agitating without any inhibitions against the supposed useless people that we Germans have to feed completely unnecessarily. Apparently there is no stopping it anymore, even euthanasia is being discussed again.

And all of this is accumulating in the debate about citizens' money, where very few people know what it is all about.

It is important to know that this is one of many transfer payments that we Germans and almost everyone else who lives with us receive from birth to the grave - this is what we call the welfare state; which, at least 1,2 trillion euros per year, makes up the majority of all government spending.

I have long feared that we are actually all just welfare state democrats and that our democracy will end as soon as the state can no longer pour out its financial gifts with the watering can! I would very much like to be disabused of this - but the recent discussions at various regulars' tables and other gatherings only support my worst fears!

That's why I'm listing a few hyperlinks here that could give the debate about citizens' money a little more substance. In my future conversations, I will only refer to this blog post and ask my conversation partners to talk to me about other things.

CDU district administrator Joachim Walter from the Tübingen district

What do Ukrainians (really) get? The Tagblatt-Anzeiger explains it in more detail here.

Caritas citizen’s money calculator

Here you can calculate for yourself what you would get.

Requirements for citizen's money

The Federal Employment Agency announces the requirements for receiving citizen's money here.

The idea behind citizen's money

The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs explains why citizens' money exists at all.

In my opinion, the debate should not be about who among us receives transfer payments incorrectly and in far too large amounts, but rather about how we can get our welfare state back on a sensible and affordable basis for everyone.

And until everything runs smoothly again, we could start by cutting transfer payments for those who don't actually need them.

And we would be back at the beginning, because the doctors and pharmacists are on strike, the farmers are rioting and the multimillionaires and large corporations are increasing their financial injections for the National Socialists - to paraphrase Heinrich Heine: When I think about Germany at night, I lose sleep!

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