work policy


Post photo: Christmas tree | © Pixabay

This working guideline of the Oberpostdirektion Frankfurt am Main regarding the handling and use of small and medium-sized conifers that are used in office spaces as official Christmas trees was written on December 18, 1992 and then distributed throughout the Republic.

Even then there were obviously people with a sense of humor in the authorities. I do not know what happened to the author of this working guideline.

When I myself issued instructions for a planned "drive in" on Sniper Alley in Sarajevo on April 1, 1997, this led on the one hand to a concerted and very well-founded demand from our flying units to expand to a "fly in", on the other hand but to a very elaborate and extremely extensive transformation into applicable German law on the part of our national leadership. I could have imagined that as a result I would also be able to get to know superiors with less humor.

I only hope that the author of the work guidelines that follow and on which this article is based has encountered superiors with enough humor and wish all readers a Merry Christmas.

"Men with hunches, that's where the real work gets done."

Alan Arkin as the Chief in Get Smart (2008)

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