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In 2013 someone who is still well known to us today wrote Edward Snowdenthat he doesn't want to live in a world where everything he says, everything he does is recorded. That would not be something he would be willing to support. That's not something he would be willing to live under. In the Guardian he put it this way:

"I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under.”

Edward Snowden, The Guardian, 9 June 2013

An idealist for sure, who also has to pay more for his ideals than any idiot who, hopefully only in ignorance, throws other people in front of the train or runs over them with their car.

What is bad about it is not only our own assessment of alleged crimes, but above all how we deal with our fundamental rights.

We sacrifice the right to life, or even more the right to free development of one's own ego, without any hesitation in the interests of convenience.

Alexa, Cortana, Siri or whatever they are called are quite obviously our “glorious” future, apart from the government or even outright criminal variants.

In short and very quickly to the point: Are we really prepared to sacrifice a free, perhaps short, but at least self-determined life for the prospect of long-lasting servitude?

How we deal with the Snowdens of our world is the answer.

Joe Rogan Experience featuring Edward Snowden

"You are going Uruguay, and I'm going my way."

Groucho Marx as Captain Jeffrey Spaulding in Animal Crackers (1930)

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