

Post photo: Houseboats in Holland | © Pixabay

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Because I just asked, here's the answer. My blog posts have a modified date in addition to the creation date. It is very common for older posts to have a newer date. On the one hand, it is due to indications of typographical errors, which I would be happy to correct later, and on the other hand, the layout of my blog is also alive, which means that I am always making adjustments to older posts so that a uniform image is retained as much as possible - A pure gimmick, but if it's a blog with a layout and pictures, then it's the right thing.


Alliance 90/The Greens seem to be asserting themselves in Berlin and finally want to close another door on corruption. The penalties for bribing members of parliament are to be increased in the current legislature. The federal government is slowly but surely setting new standards in this area and so has it Corruption Perceptions Index Germany's score recently improved by three points.

And in Heilbronn the CDU (Thomas Aurich in the Heilbronn city newspaper, February 21.2.2024, 2: XNUMX) I have now adopted another of my long-standing demands and made it my own now also available for houseboats in urban areas. I hope that this will not remain just a nice promise during election campaigns, but will lead to a fundamental rethink in the local council towards more of a big city - we really have more than enough mere wine village horizons.


Now it's official, our city administration has neither concepts nor ideas on how to revitalize Heilbronn's city center. All suggestions to score points with more cleanliness, security, peace and order, to offer business people a more professional city administration or even to make the city center more attractive through a sensible and long overdue expansion of the pedestrian zone are deliberately ignored and ignored. You don't even want to limit yourself to a limit of kebab shops or nail salons.

So now there should be an ideas competition that first burns urgently needed tax funds elsewhere and then pays the shop rent to a possible winner. I suspect that the winning AI nail salon or kebab will close again as soon as they later have to pay the rent themselves.

I am firmly convinced that good shops, pubs and businesses will come back to the city center on their own as soon as we have a city leader who ensures that the city administration does its own work - jury meetings and award ceremonies are not actually part of this.

And I have an excellent idea for the building on Kiliansplatz recently acquired by the city: a modern, clean and perhaps even artistically sophisticated toilet facility could give visitors and us Heilbronners great joy and set standards for inner cities throughout Germany.

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  • A blog that writes the year numbers in five digits speaks a lot of optimism and hope for humanity. In the city center, the mechanisms of the market work better than the administration, as enough individual examples show.