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During this Advent season there is an increase in sometimes very violent acts of aggression by actually completely normal people. What I have observed in my wider environment in the last few days alone gives me a little something to think about.

Actually, Advent is exactly the time when - if you can afford it - you should observe something and reflect a little about your own life. But it could also be that these people in particular did exactly that, probably for the first time, and this now leads to such an action.

Current behavioral biology research now interprets this behavior, which is often interpreted as a jumping movement, as a social signal and therefore does not consider it to be irrelevant in the respective context.

That's why you shouldn't worry about the supposed lunatics (in the sense of Michel Foucault: “Madness and Society.”) just wonder, but also ask yourself what is currently happening here that such reactions are increasingly occurring.

More and more people are probably becoming aware that we've all really messed up and they're the ones who are probably realizing that it's going to hit them really badly.

And that means that Advent isn't the only thing that's been completely wasted!

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