

Post photo: Blitz | © Image by PIRO on Pixabay

Since it is not only a topic in the city for the more prominent parts of the citizenry, but now the voice of Heilbronn is also reporting on it in detail, I have to give my two cents.

Our OB isn't actually known for hammering in nails or even piercing barrels. Perhaps you still remember his first attempts as mayor to pierce a beer keg at a folk festival.

Since Friday, his fan community has been spreading the word that this time he didn't need two punches. I've got a few fewer fans now than I reply that an OB should at least be good at something.

However, qualified observers of this mayoral achievement have recognized that the mayor was held in the spigot during his quite remarkable success and thus this success would also be outside of any evaluation.

As a friend remarked, "The main thing is that people talk about you". And so his fans will continue to roam the city and announce his supposed successes - the Heilbronner voice doesn't seem to be enough for him anymore.

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