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Virtual European regulars' table & forum

With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, we thought about how we could also meet in virtual space. Among other things, this also gave rise to the forerunner of this forum, hence its name "European regulars' table". At first quite a success, but then only work for me as its administrator. That is why we also closed the original forum at the end of 2021. 

This current forum is a second attempt and requires less time because it runs on my weblog and I use synergy effects with it.

After we were able to organize European regulars’ tables in person again, some visitors, who had meanwhile gotten used to the virtual European regulars’ tables that we finally organized with video chat software, missed them, so we decided to hold one every third Tuesday of the month to organize a virtual European regulars' table. You can also find their dates here in the weblog and from time to time a report on the Website of the EUROPA-UNION Heilbronn.

These virtual European regulars' tables, like this forum here, are not only available to Heilbronn European regulars or interested people from Heilbronn, but to all interested parties with Internet access.

And the nice thing about a forum is that you can also place your own thoughts there.

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  • Addition: Inflation is stronger than before the euro?

    No. The euro has been around for 25 years. On average, the Eurosystem (ECB + national central banks) achieved the inflation target significantly better between 1999 and 2020 than was the case before. The phase of current inflation as a result of the Corona crisis and the supply bottlenecks and the energy crisis has driven up prices worldwide in 2021 and 2022. Inflation has been falling continuously since the end of 2022 and is approaching 2% again.
    In addition, the common currency has given Europe stability in various crises.
    The common currency supports the domestic market and has helped Germany achieve strong export performance.

  • I would like to add to the minutes of the “Europe Now!” discussion group that we participants also debated how “natural” Europe has become, especially for us younger people. Many of us don't know any different. Travel without borders, pay in euros, no customs fees when shopping online, we hardly know any other way. It is important to demonstrate these freedoms in order to arouse interest in Europe.
    Likewise, the majority of the group agreed that we are not afraid, but rather feel concern and uncertainty when we observe current developments.

    • As we were able to determine, the half-life of such rounds is not sufficient to fill a forum even remotely. Where non-binding has become a principle, you really have to think about completely new communication channels.