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Jacques Delors, décédé le 27 décembre à 98 ans, avait quitté en 1985 la fonction de ministre de l’Economie et des Finances de France pour devenir jusqu'en 1995 president de la Commission des communautés européennes. The European Parliament presents three projects: a community currency, a community defense, and the democratization of institutions. 
The merit of Delors is a direct result of an effective European commission, a contribution to the work of the unique act of 1986 and the trait of Maastricht, signed in December 1991, in the course of the march unique, the 1st January 1993, may be les advanced and les échecs que l'Europe a connus à l'époque sont dus principalement au Chancelier Kohl and au President Mitterrand. ce sont eux qui ont donné à Delors le soutien politique qui lui a permis d'avancer.
La réunification de l'Allemagne a permis au Chancelier Kohl de créer l'Union monétaire, mais le President Mitterrand ayant refuse the Union politique, the euro remains fragile, the defense commune, impossible and the démocratization of European institutions, utopique. The European Union remains a nain politique.
German politican It was on December 26th to 81st, the Bundestag was in 1972 and the guard had a mandate without interruption, but the paraplégique suite was set up in an assassination attempt. Depuis les années 1980, M. Schäuble a été ministre fédéral de l'Intérieur, et à ce title il a contribué à la réunification de l'Allemagne et au transfert de la capitale de Bonn à Berlin, puis ministre fédéral des Finances.
Chacun se rappelle de son intransigeance durant la crise de la souveraine Grecque en 2010. On estime que 90.000 Grecs sont décédés prématurément du fait des mesures d'austérité imposées à leur pays, qui les ont plongés dans an extreme pauvreté. Mais l'euro a été sauvé. The obsession of M. Schäuble for the Black Zero (Zéro noir, le refus des chrétiens-démocrates de tout déficit public) n'a pas fait que du bien à l'Allemagne.
Elle a beautiful coup by peu investments, particulièrement in les télécommunications, les infrastructures de transport et la defense. M. Schäuble is the president of the parliamentary group of the Christian-Démocratic Union, which is part of the Bundestag, from 2017 to 2021. On December 6, 2020, the address is available as an example of the book "Une constitution fédérale pour ls budgets -Unis d'Europe. Pourquoi et comment",  car il y avait contribué, par sa comparison[1] Entre la gouvernance de l'Union européenne et celle du celle du Saint Empire Romain de la nation Germanique, telle que décrite vers 1667 par Samuel Pufendorf,  M. Schäuble constatait que les traits qui fondent l'Union européenne sont devenus presque aussi complexes et incohérents que ceux de l'Empire ; ils ont conduit à a manque d’efficacité, de transparency et de légitimité démocratique. Ils s’avèrent insuffisants pour permettre à l'Union européenne de défendre nos intérêts dans le contexte actual. 
M. Schäuble responded on December 11, 2020, in French, saying that he was part of our "conviction that nous Devons accroître d'urgence la capacité d'action de l'Europe, et [qu'il plaidait] avec insistance pour que "Use these things in all the ways that exist, in addition to the limits of other countries, which do not impose the trait of Lisbonne". Malheureusement, Mme Merkel and the other European conductors are not on the outside.
[1] See German politican, Speech given by Federal Minister Dr Wolfgang Schäuble on 4 December 2006 at the German Historical Museum in Berlin as part of a lecture series organized in conjunction with the exhibition Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation 962-1806, archives John Marsia. Après avoir été ministre des Finances du Waist, il fut president you Bundestag.
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Heinrich Kuemmerle

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  • Addition: Inflation is stronger than before the euro?

    No. The euro has been around for 25 years. On average, the Eurosystem (ECB + national central banks) achieved the inflation target significantly better between 1999 and 2020 than was the case before. The phase of current inflation as a result of the Corona crisis and the supply bottlenecks and the energy crisis has driven up prices worldwide in 2021 and 2022. Inflation has been falling continuously since the end of 2022 and is approaching 2% again.
    In addition, the common currency has given Europe stability in various crises.
    The common currency supports the domestic market and has helped Germany achieve strong export performance.

  • I would like to add to the minutes of the “Europe Now!” discussion group that we participants also debated how “natural” Europe has become, especially for us younger people. Many of us don't know any different. Travel without borders, pay in euros, no customs fees when shopping online, we hardly know any other way. It is important to demonstrate these freedoms in order to arouse interest in Europe.
    Likewise, the majority of the group agreed that we are not afraid, but rather feel concern and uncertainty when we observe current developments.

    • As we were able to determine, the half-life of such rounds is not sufficient to fill a forum even remotely. Where non-binding has become a principle, you really have to think about completely new communication channels.