What will become of Europe?


Post photo: European flag | © Pixabay

Shortly after BREXIT, we European federalists are being asked from all sides what we think of the United Kingdom's exit from Europe? 

We can reassure these fellow citizens very quickly as soon as we tell them that the British will only leave the current European Union (EU) and rely on the two still fully existing bastions of NATO (defence of the free world) and Council of Europe (defence of human rights). ) withdraw.

We cannot reassure them when it comes to the reasons why the UK chose to withdraw. Unfortunately, we citizens have to attest to the complete failure of all the politicians involved on both sides of the English Channel.

Because the EU has actually been supposed to be a peace-loving, democratic and federal state for the benefit of the citizens and a single world for more than 70 years now. But the current discussions of professional politics oscillate between a European superstate that is supposed to take on the USA, China and Russia as its own nuclear power on the one hand and a centralized redistribution apparatus on the other. In addition, totalitarian tendencies have recently increased, which are calling our democracies in Europe into question as a whole.

In such a mixed situation, where hardly any people's representatives reflect on the actual European idea and its values ​​such as freedom, democracy, federalism, subsidiarity and solidarity, but mostly only practice watering can or clientele politics and negative populism is becoming more and more en vogue one should not be surprised if some "liberate" their voters from this and others want to "sling" them as much good as possible at the expense of other people.

The distribution battle has long since begun, and new promises worth billions are making the rounds to the economy and the citizenry every day.

Our EU needs us, its citizens, more than ever in its history! We have to pull the switch very quickly and finally remind all our representatives that they have to create the European federal state for us, namely the United States of Europe, and that they have to concentrate very quickly and effectively on solving the necessary challenges: a fully-fledged European Parliament, the creation of a federal government, the reduction of national parliaments and governments, and especially the delegation of responsibilities to the necessary and appropriate level, even if this should then be the local community.

But we citizens also have to do our homework again and finally take responsibility: environmental, nature and climate protection is something we do at home and not in debates in parliament or in ministries. We make happy cows and not an agriculture minister. And we also make our democracy and not the politicians in the talk shows, where they talk with and about themselves but no longer with us citizens.

Anyone who still elects a politician who does not clearly and unequivocally commit to a peace-loving European federal state and also "does something" for it, first votes out the EU as a whole, then NATO and the Council of Europe and finally the elections themselves.

We citizens are still deciding what will become of our Europe! And that's exactly how we're going to get it!

"So long as we have enough people in this country willing to fight for their rights, we'll be called a democracy."

Roger Baldwin, ACLU website (June 9, 2014)

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