Post photo: Enjoying coffee | © Pixabay
I am currently reading in the New York Times how the Trump clan is trying to establish itself as another US political aristocrats alongside the already established clans and at the same time act like stupid Republicans on social media. Donald Trump now glorify him as a true Messiah confirmed by God, the following poem suddenly pops into my head.
After a short search I found it and am now even more amazed at how slowly we humans actually change, considering ourselves as an animal species. Even today a Colosseum would be packed and even concentration camps have never been a singular event in human history.
The poem is by Stephen George from “The Seventh Ring” (1907) and seems more relevant today than it did thirty years ago.
The Antichrist
There he comes from the mountain, there he stands in the grove!
We saw it ourselves · he turns into wine
The water speaks to the dead.
O that you could hear my laughter at night:
Now my hour has come · now the yarn is filling up ·
Now the fish flock to the hamen.
The wise fools – the people roll madly ·
Uproot the trees · shatter the grain ·
Make way for the train of the Risen One.There is no work of heaven that I will not do for you.
Just a hair's breadth is missing and you won't notice the
With your beaten senses.
I create for you everything that is rare and difficult
The light · a thing that is like gold made of clay ·
As fragrance is and juice is and spice –And what the great prophet does not dare to say:
The art without clearing and sowing and building
To suck up stored powers.
The prince of vermin spreads his empire ·
No treasure that he lacks, no happiness that eludes him …
To the ground with the rest of the rebels!
You rejoice · delighted by the devilish glow ·
Squandered what remained of his former
And only feels the distress before the end.
Then hang your tongue on the drying trough ·
Wanders helplessly like cattle through the burning yard…
And the trumpet sounds terribly.
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, evil may have spread throughout the world again.