wind talk


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Today it may be a somewhat shorter poem that caught my attention very early on. Even today it has not lost its topicality, perhaps it is even more topical than ever. In any case, self-confessed local winds are now likely to be the minority.

Christian Morgensterns Humor and puns dominate most of his work, although he himself would have liked to see his more 'serious' poems taken more seriously. But even his profound sense of humor is far more serious than most people would take it.

That's why it can happen that you don't find it so funny anymore as soon as you have dealt with the respective text a little more. The poem that follows is a good example of this.

wind talk

"Have you never seen the world?
Hammerfest – Vienna – Athens?”

"No, I only know this valley
I'm just such a local wind -
do you know Kuntzen's dance hall?"

"No, child.
Goodbye! Must go!
Cologne – Paris – Lisbon.”

Christian Morgenstern
Read by Thomas Huber

is better known Christian Morgenstern for his gallows songs, which are probably written alongside the work of Wilhelm Busch belong to the funniest thing you can find in the German language so far, but here too it is important to read the whole thing several times.

 Read by Günther Lüders

Personally, I tend to like his more "serious" poems more; an example is the following.

The two parallels

There were two parallels
into infinity,
two straight souls
and from a solid home.

They didn't want to cut themselves
to her blessed grave:
That was the two of them
secret pride and staff.

But when she was ten light years
walked alongside,
there wards the lonely couple
no longer earthly to sense.

Were they still parallels?
You didn't know it yourself -
they just flowed like two souls
together by eternal light.

The eternal light penetrated them,
then they became one in him;
eternity swallowed her up
than like two seraphim.

Christian Morgenstern

Morgenstern was inspired to write this poem, I dare say, by a poem Conrad Ferdinand Meyers.

Two sails

Two sails lightening
The deep blue bay!
Two sails swelling
To a quiet escape!

Like one in the winds
arches and moves,
Will the feeling too
The other excited.

Desires to hasten one
the other goes fast
demands one to rest,
His companion also rests.

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer

Who is now going further with Christian Morgenstern would like to deal with, finds parts of his estate in the German Literature Archive in Marbach, less than 45 minutes from Heilbronn.

"If you're angry, count to four, that doesn't help, then explode."

Wilhelm Busch

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