

Article photo: Training | © Petra from Pixabay

Armed forces do not need conscription; the respective societies only need to pay their soldiers sufficiently, then there will be no shortage of those willing to serve. And with a little better pay, there will even be people fit for military service.

However, after my experience today, I have now come to the firm conviction that at least our society, namely that of the Federal Republic of Germany, urgently needs conscription!

First, the minimum requirements for conscription must be established and then training capacities must be built up.

Then you can start examining all sections of the population and divide them into those who are fit for military service and those who are unfit for military service. What you do with those who are unfit for military service is another question - they will probably become professional politicians.

All those fit for military service are called up to a training organization independent of the Bundeswehr, where they all receive basic military training for a year. A separation between male and female is necessary here - but only because our female population is still far from being so emancipated that a separation could be avoided. If you are now wondering why, I would immediately reply that emancipation is not about gaining an advantage at the expense of others!

After one year, citizens deemed unsuitable for the armed forces, federal police or police are released with a corresponding notice of unsuitability.

After the first six months (best selection), suitable citizens were transferred to the German armed forces, the federal police or the state police at their own request. All other suitable citizens completed their military service in full and remained with the training organization for a further six months as (assistant) instructors.

They are then honorably discharged after 18 months and can continue to be available to the Bundeswehr or the training organization as reservists if required.

In this way, we will achieve, on the one hand, that the Smurfs in our society will at least be somewhat improved, and on the other hand, that everyone else will very quickly gain life experience that will carry them through the rest of their lives.

Oh yes, the costs for running this training organisation are borne by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal Ministry of Family Affairs As well as the Federal Ministry of Health.

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