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Aiko Kempen, collaboration: Laurenz Schreiner, Finn Starken | FragDenStaat
The Most Absurd Tax Haven in Germany – Bismarck's hut in the forest (last accessed on 12.10.2024, 10.48:XNUMX a.m.)
Companies worth millions operate mailboxes at a wooden hut in the middle of the North German forest. They pay the low taxes there not into the public coffers, but to the landowner: Count Gregor von Bismarck, great-great-grandson of the first German Chancellor.
No, we Germans are not corrupt! And our politicians are certainly not corrupt.
Anyone who does military service in our country and then pays taxes later on is simply an idiot.
In Bavaria, too, “tax savings” for “better” Germans is common practice. The CSU there is once again in the thick of it. The Merkur newspaper reported on this on April 21.4.2016, XNUMX: Panama also exists in Bavaria: The tax haven in the forest.