Sophie's decision


Post photo: Prairie | © ykaiavu on Pixabay 

Not just since the movie Sophie's Choice by Alan J Pakula, the 1982 novel of the same name Sophie's Choice by william styron filmed, is Emily Dickinsons poem "Ample make this bed" from 1891.

Ample make this bed.
Make this bed with awe;
In it wait till judgment break
Excellent and fair.

Be its mattress straight,
at its pillow round;
Let no sunrise' yellow noise
Interrupt this ground.

Emily Dickinson, 1891
Peter MacNicol aka Stingo reads the poem Ample Make This Bed.

America's most famous poet Emily Dickinson only received a few visitors, was considered shy and spent most of the time in her room.

Poem recited by Derek Michael Sheldon.

Nevertheless, her creative power was admirable and her poems, despite or perhaps because of her limited horizons, are characterized by a very large imagination, which testifies to how little one actually needs to be able to leave a great impression.

To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, 
One clover and a bee. 
And revery. 
The recovery alone will do, 
If bees are few.

Emily Dickinson

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