Are we Europeans capable of democracy?


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The mere fact that people who are said to have invented democracy lived in south-eastern Europe a few millennia ago does not make today's inhabitants of Europe democrats.

In addition, it should be noted that "democracy" in Europe over the past two millennia has been rather an exception and, on closer inspection, today's democracies in Europe can give the impression that their inhabitants are actually only "bought" democrats.

Because this view can be reached by considering the following:

  • The economic performance and thus the wealth of Europe is still largely based on the exploitation of other people or future generations. 
  • The "acquired" wealth is not used to improve the development of Europe and the entire world, but to a "prosperity accumulation" that is unique in the world.
  • Europeans (7% of the world's population) also receive about half of the world's social spending.
  • Other necessary state tasks are neglected (e.g. education and infrastructure) or shifted to other non-European countries (e.g. defence).

It is therefore reasonable to assume that under these conditions the democracies of Europe function quite well; namely with a continuously increasing lifespan and quality as well as constantly decreasing common tasks and obligations.

However, it can also be observed that when difficulties first arise in Europe, e.g. B. possible loss of income or prosperity, democracy itself is always called into question.

And it has recently become frightening how quickly Europeans become indifferent to universal human and European civil rights as soon as they fear that European neighbors will be cheated or, even worse, that other people would like to share in European prosperity.

So the question arises, are we Europeans capable of democracy at all or are we just bought democrats?

"Democracy is good. I say this because other systems are worse. So we are forced to accept democracy. It has good points and also bad. But merely saying that democracy will solve all problems is utterly wrong. Problems are solved by intelligence and hard work."

Jawaharlal Nehru, New York Times (January 15, 1961)

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