

Featured Photo: Garbage Bins | © Selena Gallagher on Pixabay 

While the students in my seminar continue to desperately search for problems that could then be used as the basis for a seminar paper, problems just keep pouring in. I have even stopped talking about challenges, because that could still give the whole thing something positive.

I have now reached the point where I sort problems according to urgency and consequences before I even get around to looking for suitable solutions. And in most cases it is not my problem at all, but rather belongs to the PAL field, namely "other people's problems". Unfortunately, sometimes it is not as easy as one would like it to be, because we are increasingly turning our own problems into other people's problems - and this is no matter whether it is in our studies or in "real life"! A reversed PAL field, so to speak.

I suspect that if I suddenly bring my positive PAL field together with other people's negative ones, then exactly what many scientists suspect will happen when matter and antimatter collide will happen - I would probably be guaranteed the Nobel Prize in Physics.

And so I continue to deal with other people's problems, one after the other, and cannot even enjoy the fact that my very own problems belong more in the category of "problems".


In case some students stop by here. This would be a lecture by Felix Von Leitner on the subject "Should we go to the cloud?“ — could be quite helpful for the seminar.

I even found an oil painting that fits the theme and Franz Sedlacek painted in 1933 and is called "Ghosts in the Tree". Sedlacek knew neither PAL fields nor the cloud, but he had a premonition of both.

“There is only one value that is the basis and guarantee of a happy life: trust in oneself.”

Seneca, Book 4, Letter 31 (2018: 217)

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3 thoughts on "Problems"

    1. "When external emergencies come upon him [the Stoic], he will immediately leave life and cease to be a burden to himself. If he can only live in poor and cramped conditions, he will be content with that and will not give his belly and shoulders their due in excessive anxiety or fear." (Seneca, Book 3, Letter 17)

      The problem, however, may not be the Stoics, but the stupid people (Carlo M. Cipolla).

      1. A pragmatic solution seems difficult. The wise man can choose the best ideas from any philosophy. The stupid ones are left out anyway.

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