

When I was young, I belonged to the Grenzland tribe (112) in Heilbronn, which at that time only consisted of boys and young men. And I still like to remember that time, especially when I walk past the tribe's home, the Cäcilienbrunnenhaus.

Later I developed other interests and became so absorbed in my job as an infantryman that I lost sight of scouting altogether. But I still kept the ZimeZum and my old uniform.

And just when I was really no longer thinking about Boy Scouting, I had to realize that my brother-in-law is, and still is to this day, a Boy Scout through and through. This in turn led me to find a new tribe in Tribe 141 and my old Scout gear to an owner who appreciates it better than I do.

Decades later it was proven once again that the world really is small when, in my last professional assignment, I ran into a comrade who was, at least then, a member of the Frontier tribe.

Addendum 22.10.2021:

"After more than 60 years of scout and youth work in the Grenzland tribe, we unfortunately have to draw a line. We would like to thank the countless supporters from the area for their cooperation. We would also like to thank everyone who was interested, who showed us to the end that it was worth trying everything to create future prospects for the tribe. Unfortunately, we were denied this success. With melancholy it sounds out of our mouths for the last time: "Take goodbye, brothers, all return is uncertain...". But one thing is also clear: once you are a boy scout, you will remain so for life. And so we look forward to the future...

On behalf of the tribal leadership and all borderlanders, we wish you a good path at all times!”

"Being in the Army is like being in the Boy Scouts, except that the Boy Scouts have adult supervision."

This quote is attributed to Blake Clark.

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