Zero number


Post photo: Girl with European flag | © Shutterstock

Today I was once again able to experience major politics. You would really like to have such statesmen in your own discussion groups!

“Our Union and our democracy are constant work in progress. And there is more that we can do. We need an ambitious reform agenda to ensure the functioning of a larger Union and to increase democratic legitimacy.While reforms were necessary before, with enlargement they become indispensable. We must use this as a catalyst for change in terms of our capacity to act, our policies and our budget. We will of course focus on what we can already do, of which there is a lot. But we should be more ambitious. I believe we need Treaty change where it can improve our Union. And I want to work on that with this house. And this will be part of a closer partnership between the Commission and the Parliament.”

Ursula von der Leyen, Strasbourg, 18. July 2024

If you think about the above statement a little more carefully, it covers a strip poker on one side and a state on the other without any major problems - to each his own! (William Shakespeare).

Serious politics would be so simple. One could start by describing the actual problem, for example, that nation states, at least in Europe, have been constantly proving for over 80 years that they are no longer capable of acting alone in this world, let alone guaranteeing their populations security, freedom or even a certain degree of prosperity.

Then one could imagine a suitable solution to the problem as the goal of all efforts, at least political ones. In this case, the European federal state, which works as closely as possible with its neighbors, e.g. the other members of NATO, and which all of them are firmly integrated into the United Nations.

And now with this background, one could offer suggestions or even submit them for decision that promise or even make it seem achievable that the goal will be achieved in the short, medium or even long term, including the associated costs.

You could, but you don't! People keep rambling until not a single person knows what it was actually about.

Then you declare a dictatorship, or at least a monarchy, and ideally you crown yourself.

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  • As is well known, small numbers become larger the more zeros there are after them, and not only in mathematics. Alexander Spoerl written. A good benchmark that should always be at hand.

    • I still know his dog book. But let's let him speak for himself: "Born in 1917 with long hair, about eight pounds. Bit ladies on the legs at tea parties, then went to school and didn't improve afterwards either. Studied mechanical engineering, was a dramaturge, became an engineer. In the military I reached the rank of senior soldier without significantly prolonging the war. Became an interpreter, a rental car driver, and an asset manager. Finally, a writer.
      I think women are great, cars are enchanting, wine is indispensable. I smoke my pipe with everything. When I'm working, I'm in a good mood but unbearable. When I'm doing nothing, I become gentle but depressed. Beethoven is too modern for me, Hitler is dead, thank God, I don't understand Einstein. In company, I like to talk the best, whatever I can talk about. I'm punctual for appointments, as long as I don't forget them completely. The tax office still gets money from me. Which saves my honor sufficiently."