Music video of the week


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On September 6, 2024, “Luck and Strange”, the fifth studio album by David Gilmour on sale. Before that, however, there were already the first single releases of individual songs from the album, such as “Dark and Velvet Nights”. The special thing about the album is probably that Gilmour’s wife Polly samson wrote most of the lyrics.

As a longtime Pink Floyd-Fan, it had to be that I now also got a David Gilmour-Record. In the music video of the week “Luck and Strange” below, which was also used for the album title, you can see the keyboard playing of Richard Wright, who died in 2008, is related to.

David Gilmour claims that his album is the best he has released since "The Dark Side of the Moon" (1973). I'll let that stand for now, but I certainly won't be buying another Gilmour album.

However, I bought the above album because it has a really nice morbid touch that fits my own mood quite well.

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