Krauss electronics


Entry photo: Krauss Elektronik

In addition to Spielwaren Böttinger at Sülmerstraße 51, Radio Krauss, just around the corner at Turmstraße 20, were the first two specialist shops that I regularly visited as a child. The former because of the many Matchbox cars and the then obligatory Märklin railway in the shop window. The latter because my father liked to spend his free time repairing radio and television sets at “Radio Krauss”.

Adolf Krauss, where my father completed his apprenticeship, had already moved to Turmstraße 1950 with his specialist shop in 20, and since we lived close by, my father could easily indulge in his hobby. If my father had completed his apprenticeship at Böttinger, I would probably have gotten my own Märklin railway, I would have been the first child in the neighborhood with my own television.

That sounds more exciting than it actually is, since the two television channels available at the time broadcast test images most of the time — which immediately showed you whether everything really worked on the television set.

Later I went with the daughters of Oscar Krauss to elementary school and we also met his son Martin again and again while playing on the street. And so going to the "Elektro Krauss" was always the first point of contact for all questions relating to electronics.

Over the years and in the course of the general change in all shops and specialist shops, “Elektro Krauss” continued to specialize and developed into a specialist shop for everything that had anything to do with electronics, which was well known beyond the region. meanwhile has Martin Krauss took over the management and, in addition to the traditional shop, also runs an Internet mail order company specializing in electronic items.

It was therefore only logical that the former radio specialist shop now became the Krauss Electronics GmbH became. Nevertheless, it is still very exciting to walk through the store just to browse around a bit. And if you are looking for something very specific in terms of electronics, then you will definitely find it there. And if you don't, then the specialists on site will start looking for it.

As early as 1925 by Adolf Krauss was founded, Krauss Elektronik GmbH will soon be able to celebrate its XNUMXth anniversary - a very remarkable achievement, especially in the field of electronics!

In the very unlikely event that you, as a Heilbronn resident, do not yet know Krauss Elektronik, I strongly recommend that you stop by there. I'm sure you will come back.

In any case, it would have been very nice if the city of Heilbronn had managed by 2025 - after a good 40 years of promises - to tower road to finally get into a livable and lovable state. Krauss Elektronik alone would have more than earned it, quite apart from the residents there.

"Scientific theories need reconstruction every now and then. If they didn't need reconstruction they would be facts, not theories."

Charles Proteus Steinmetz, New York Times (November 11, 1911) 

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3 thoughts on "Krauss electronics"

  1. Yes, Krauss Elektronik is a real institution. Let's hope that the energy price crisis and other madness won't force him to give up.

  2. When I once needed a special battery, the salesman in a large Bauhaus in Leingarten said: "We don't have it".
    Then he recommended to me: "Go to Krauss in Turmstraße in Heilbronn, he has this battery". And so it was. A business that is indispensable.

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