Article photo: Houseboat on the Rhine | © Jan Oldenkott
Because I want to concentrate on the upcoming exam and seminar at the end of the semester, and I will make faster progress if I don't allow myself to be constantly distracted, I am publishing this review a little earlier than I intended. However, that doesn't mean that no further posts can be expected in the next few days. Because I write spontaneously and am happy to continue to be tempted to make one or two comments.
Table of Contents
Forest fires
Currently, California is ravaged by the worst forest fires in a long time. Soon we will have a Donald Trump or a Elon Musk that this is because the majority of people in California continue to vote Democratic. We can also prepare ourselves for the fact that the "real" culprits (migrants and Jews) will soon be identified on social media. This in turn will lead to at least the AfD announcing that German forests must be cleared of all foreigners and "you know what" as soon as possible: "Deportations also save German forests!"
Since both social media titans are currently working on Canada, Mexico, Greenland and Panama, we will have to be patient for a little while longer. Hopefully the fires in California will be under control by then! And hopefully at least my aunt will be spared from it - my better half consults the tracker linked above several times a day.
And anyone who thinks that California is a long way away is ignoring the fact that completely different things have already caught fire here. Our forest fires are far more severe. And since our own forests (in fact, we mostly only have tree plantations) have already been lost, there are increasing calls to stop all efforts to protect nature, the environment and the population.
As we all know, the only thing that counts for us is quick profits, and poisoned groundwater and soil only harm future generations. It is therefore fitting that the Heilbronn sewage treatment plant is not being equipped with a further purification stage. And yet we in Central Europe were always so proud of having abolished the "hand-to-mouth mentality".
The worst forest fires are now taking place in our heads! But there is still hope, because in other parts of the world people are still worried about the future of future generations, or are only now starting to worry about it; and not just in those island states that are slowly but surely going under in the truest sense of the word. In India, where we hope to get qualified specialists in the future - we have more than enough unqualified ones ourselves - people are now starting to care more about their own environment: "Forty years after the Bhopal chemical disaster, the former factory site is finally being cleaned up“ (NZZ, 6.1.2025). Meanwhile, the worst garbage is being moved to the salt mine.
Addendum 11.1.2025
The fires are even worse than I feared. That is why here my advice to my fellow human beings …
Debt brake
Apart from the fact that this technical term is as hollow as its creator, it is intended to signal to us citizens that politicians want to manage tax money in a somewhat responsible manner.
As is well known, the current government has failed because, like its predecessors, it continued to have more expenditure than income and was at the end of a very creative accounting system — we citizens would probably end up in prison in such cases. Unfortunately, however, our politicians are like a Donald Trump no responsibility for their actions or omissions.
And so politicians from the likely future governing party - who recently campaigned vehemently for compliance with the debt brake as opposition - checked in the run-up to the election whether it could be circumvented. Evidently, they had completely surprised even their own core electorate in such a hurry. And now you can suddenly hear all over the country from the CDU that there will be "no shaking of the debt brake" (Thorsten Frei in you Editorial interview with the Heilbronner Stimme).
A recent reading of a book has led me to make the following suggestion: How about we try a “serial debt brake” and, if that is accepted, then also a “serial democracy”?
We citizens can already prepare ourselves for the fact that there will be the most creative budget and bookkeeping of all time - the CDU and CSU have more than enough experience with this. And as before, there will be a few more rich people and our country will plunge even further into the abyss. We simply don't want it any other way, because after us the deluge. And the young people are too stupid to even begin to realize that, while their future will not be destroyed, they will no longer have everything that our current generation is so proud of.
Intelligent people could even use this as an opportunity! We will once again vote for Nazis...
House boats
To my article about houseboats I had already forgotten about it, just as I had forgotten that my better half and I wanted to move into a houseboat. Ultimately, it failed because the Danube near Ulm is not navigable. Good friends and comrades would have been happy to ensure that our new home would have reached the south from Stettin.
This week I received a request, which I would like to post here in part:
“Dear Mr. Kümmerle,
Today I heard on SWR1 about a study by Heilbronn University on living on the Neckar – and was spontaneously motivated to write you an email.
Three and a half years ago I converted a boat into a houseboat - using mostly upcycled materials. I lived in it for two years because I separated from my wife. Since I work a lot from home, the boat was converted into a work and living boat.
Since my situation has changed, the houseboat is now empty. Since the boat is very suitable for living for 1-2 people, the boat should definitely continue to be used.
I can imagine taking the boat to Heilbronn (it is currently still on the Rhine) to rent it out to students or even sell it.
What is needed is electricity and the ability to fill the water tanks with water.
The boat is 15m long and 3m wide (I have attached a picture of the Legenda 2).
It has
- A large double bed with panoramic windows (right at the front),
- a kitchen with sink, refrigerator, hotplate and cupboards,
- a sink and a shower,
- Dry toilet in the separate driver's cab,
- Water tanks with a house pressure pump (water runs normally like in a house)
- a dining area and a separate work area,
- closet for supplies and a closet for clothes
- PV system for the 12V on-board supply
- A small cellar
- Winter garden with dining area for 4-6 people and gas stove
- Large sun terrace
- kayak for trips on the water
Everything is very simple, comfortable and functional.
Can you tell me where on the Neckar such a boat is moored so that it can be used by students?
Alternatively: can you tell me a place or person in Heilbronn I can contact about this?
I would be very pleased to receive your answer.
With sunny greetings from O."
Since I am unfortunately unable to help in this regard, I have immediately forwarded this request to local council members I trust in the hope that they will be able to offer Mr. O. from O. advice and support. I am still convinced that houseboats would be a good thing, especially in Heilbronn.
And if you are thinking about a houseboat and are interested in the Leganda 2, please contact me. I will be happy to forward your request.
It is gratifying that the first municipal council group has already responded. In addition to the Free Voters, I had also asked the CDU, the FDP and the SPD.
“Dear Mayor Mergel, dear Harry,
I am sending the attached email (forwarded by Mr Kümmerle) with the request that it be treated as a municipal council request.
Can Mr. O.'s houseboat be used as part of a (student) project in Heilbronn?
What is the administration’s stance on houseboats?
Sincerely yours
Herbert Burkhardt, Chairman of the Free Voters Municipal Council Group
Addendum 10.1.2025
Thomas Aurich has also reacted and informed the Heilbronner Stimme. He will also take a look at the boat himself on site.
"They practice serial monogamy, meaning that each couple's relationship may only last for a short time, meaning a woman cannot necessarily be sure who the father of her child is."
Zeinab Badawi (2024: 30)
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