Integrated security


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BG a. D Armin Staigis | German Bundestag

ICreate integrated security with existing institutions (last accessed on May 20.5.2024, 19.52, XNUMX:XNUMX p.m.)

The National Security Strategy, as adopted by the federal government a year ago, shows clear goals, but it lacks “a description of the ways in which we can get there,” said Brigadier General (ret.). D Armin Staigis, former Vice President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS) in the public hearing of the Enquete Commission “Lessons from Afghanistan for Germany’s future networked engagement” on the topic of “Strategy capability, strategy development and operationalization for international crisis management” on Monday, May 13, 2024.

Discussion worth listening to and seeing in the Bundestag together with the former brigade commander of the Jägerbrigade 37 in Frankenberg, Saxony.

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