lucky day


Feature photo: my better half in Paris (2006)

Actually, I had been hearing about the new and first JEF district chairmen in Heilbronn for a good year and the first meeting had almost taken place a year earlier, but at the time my employer wanted me to prefer a stay at the training ground to the meeting place in Europe.

On Saturday, May 2, 1992, the time had come and I started my work as a beer stand helper at the meeting point Europe and thus also the Heilbronn JEF district chairman. For me, the day was a welcome change from the numerous military training camp visits, and serving beer was a sheer delight — some would argue that I was the best customer myself.

In any case, my new district chairwoman took me to her chest and explained to me how the world outside of the Bundeswehr works. I fell in love instantly... and still do to this day!

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