Pedestrian traffic


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Mathis Gann and   Tina Groll | The time

Federal government wants to create better conditions for pedestrians – Pedestrian traffic (last accessed on 13.7.2024, 14.18:XNUMX)

“The traffic light plans to make walking an ‘equal mode of transport’. The Federal Ministry of Transport is working on a ‘national pedestrian traffic strategy’ for this purpose.

Walking is "the simplest and most original form of transport," the paper states. However, to date, it has not received "adequate public attention." Walking must therefore be recognized as an "equal mode of transport" in the future and given greater consideration in transport policy and planning."

But who explains this to us Heilbronners?!

I was just hit from behind by a cyclist on the sidewalk again. He rang his bell! That doesn't help me as I'm hard of hearing, and I can't hear the noise of the bikes anymore either.

And so I slowly but surely become a victim in Heilbronn alongside the old ladies and small children.

Here in Heilbronn, the local council and city administration are constantly guilty of negligent bodily harm, simply by simply ignoring laws and rules in Heilbronn and also preventing the police and law enforcement agencies from protecting us citizens.

But woe betide the citizen who takes action out of pure self-defense!

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