Forum for cartridge


Post photo: Chalk board | © Pixabay

To make it a little more palatable to my potential patrons, I'm currently considering whether I shouldn't in my forum to create an exclusive sub-forum exclusively for my supporters.

At first glance, I find this idea very exciting, and some people definitely like the exclusive. In addition, this offers the possibility to Chatham House Rules once in a while it makes sense to use it.

But before I start again to actually put this sub-forum into practice, I would like to have one or the other opinion from my readers. I'll also sleep on it for another night - that will probably save me a lot of work.

All I can think of is my calendar. Hardly had I decided, after several unsuccessful attempts, to do without digital calendars, since the work/benefit ratio was not exactly very tingling, when the first inquiries came in as to whether I could set up one again.

I let myself be talked into it again, only to find out again that those who urgently need such a calendar and would therefore like to have it again are exactly those who are not going to use it at all - again.  

But I don't want to complain - it's my own fault! And so I just leave the calendar “online”; maybe there will be completely new users who can take advantage of it.

That's why I'm skeptical about having my own sub-forum — but let's wait and see, because only those who keep trying will have a chance of getting new things going.

Now it's my readers' turn. And if that works with the exclusive forum, then I can also offer exclusive blog posts — I like to write anyway ("you just don't do it", an older acquaintance would now say; does it still exist at all? ) 

Questions about questions ...

"To learn which questions are unanswerable, and not to answer them: this skill is most needed in times of stress and darkness."

Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness (1987: 164) 

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2 thoughts on "Forum for cartridge"

  1. As much as I enjoy reading along with you and talking to you – the large number of forums that I should bring under one roof for professional, voluntary and occasional private reasons is gradually exceeding the limits of my time budget. In addition, my own blog suffers from hardly being fed because I don't have the time.

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