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European Parliament Elections 2024

The next elections to the European Parliament will be held in spring 2024, and will be for the tenth time.

  • How is the mood in Europe ahead of the elections?
  • What issues and challenges are citizens concerned about?
  • How will the election go this time?

The European Parliament has launched a proposal for an electoral law reform which, among other things, provides for a second vote to be used to elect pan-European candidates.

background objects

The so-called "European elections" are direct, free and secret elections that have taken place every five years in the European Union since 1979, in which the members of the European Parliament are determined. It is the second largest democratic election in the world after the Indian parliamentary elections.

Avenir de l'Europe has asked me to write a manifesto in view of the 2024 European elections, the final version of which I am attaching in German.

I did this editing work with members of Avenir de l'Europe and the S€D, including Francois Mennerat, carried out.

Should the Europa-Union Heilbronn join this manifesto? 

Manifesto for a more democratic European election in 2024

A common approach towards the European Parliament elections in 2024 is necessary to make Europe stronger, more united and more democratic, because in 73 years neither the communities nor the European Union (EU) have produced the European Federation that came into force on 9th September 1950 May XNUMX by Robert Schuman had been announced. The Europeans suffer from the non-existence of this federation. Nation states and the EU have been unable to deal with the financial, currency, migration, health and security crises since 2008. Our ecosystem is in danger. War is raging in Ukraine because Europe is not a deterrent but a peaceful power. We are paying a high price for this, economically and politically. There is an urgent need for action to restore peace in Europe, to be sovereign, autonomous, independent and respected again.

A democratic, federal European state needs a constitution and not a treaty. This has been evident since 1787 and the Philadelphia Convention, for a treaty is extra-state and multilateral, while a constitution is a domestic, unilateral act of public law designed to establish the fundamental rights of citizens, the principles on which the legitimacy of political power, and to define the general architecture of institutions. A constitution is at the top of the hierarchy of state norms.

For this reason, "Avenir de l'Europe", "Europe Unie dans sa Diversité" and the European Society for Defense INPV (S€D) and hopefully also "UEF-Belgium", "UEF-Groupe Europe", "UEF- Luxembourg”, “Europa-Union Heilbronn, Sauvons l'Europe”, among others, propose that we join forces to make this manifesto a reality. The manifesto proposes what a federal Europe should do for European citizens, how its policies should be funded, what federal governance should look like, and how the European Parliament might be constituted and legitimized.

What could a federal Europe do for European citizens?

Only a European federation can be effective and efficient in the areas of external security, including defence, internal security in the face of terrorism, public health in the face of pandemics, energy security, environmental protection and management of migratory movements. Only with it is the development of a European culture possible and can the maintenance of a social market economy be guaranteed. Only it can ensure the future of future generations by promoting innovation, supporting scientific and technological research, driving reindustrialization and mastering new technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, new energy solutions and green technologies.

How could this policy be funded?

The European Federation should have its own resources based on innovative, egalitarian taxation. Multinational corporations, especially in the digital sector, can no longer evade taxation. This would make it possible to finance the above policies and, in addition, to conduct budgetary policies that could consolidate the monetary policy successfully operated by the European Central Bank.

What would federal governance look like?

We want a democratic, transparent, sovereign, self-sufficient, independent European state respected by its allies and other powers. Neither integration into the EU nor cooperation within the framework of NATO have been able to create a European state that can guarantee us peace and security. History has taught us that confederations either convert to federations or dissolve. In order to have weight in the world and to face the current threats and challenges, the only way for Europe to go is through federation. The Constituent Assembly will choose the name of the federation and determine the areas of competence, respecting the principle of subsidiarity, in order to preserve popular sovereignty and the balance between the federation and national and regional powers.

How would the European Parliament declare itself as constituent?

The method has been known since September 7, 1787 to found a sovereign and democratic European state united in diversity and thus federal. At that time, the delegates of the American states in Philadelphia passed the very first federal constitution. It begins with the words "We, the people". It separates the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The legislature consists of two chambers. The House of Commons is directly elected, with each state's citizens represented in proportion to their number. States have equal rights in the Senate. From these principles Europe can draw inspiration to keep us in peace and security, to guarantee our fundamental rights and freedoms, and to regain the place on the international stage that its economic power and European civilization deserves!

How could the European Parliament improve its legitimacy?

Ideally, before the 2024 elections, the European Parliament should pass an electoral law that sets out, among other things, the age at which every EU citizen acquires the right to vote, the threshold clause, the method of voting and a criterion that establishes a sufficiently egalitarian , democratic representation of citizens guaranteed.

Dear Jean,

After discussions in the district board, which, among other things, consider the reference to Philadelphia to be antiquated and we also cannot see how the proposed funding is to be implemented, we have nevertheless decided to join the manifesto, since we fundamentally agree with this manifesto and it also every pro-European initiative deserves to be supported.

We wish the manifesto a wide public and hope that this will be a further building block towards a European federal state.


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  • Addition: Inflation is stronger than before the euro?

    No. The euro has been around for 25 years. On average, the Eurosystem (ECB + national central banks) achieved the inflation target significantly better between 1999 and 2020 than was the case before. The phase of current inflation as a result of the Corona crisis and the supply bottlenecks and the energy crisis has driven up prices worldwide in 2021 and 2022. Inflation has been falling continuously since the end of 2022 and is approaching 2% again.
    In addition, the common currency has given Europe stability in various crises.
    The common currency supports the domestic market and has helped Germany achieve strong export performance.

  • I would like to add to the minutes of the “Europe Now!” discussion group that we participants also debated how “natural” Europe has become, especially for us younger people. Many of us don't know any different. Travel without borders, pay in euros, no customs fees when shopping online, we hardly know any other way. It is important to demonstrate these freedoms in order to arouse interest in Europe.
    Likewise, the majority of the group agreed that we are not afraid, but rather feel concern and uncertainty when we observe current developments.

    • As we were able to determine, the half-life of such rounds is not sufficient to fill a forum even remotely. Where non-binding has become a principle, you really have to think about completely new communication channels.